feedback from supervisor on qualifying exam thesis


hi guys

i was wondering if this feeling is common. I recently finished my qualifying exam report. Before having it submitted to the school department, we usually let our guide read and give comments on it, and make changes should there be any. Before submitting this report to my guide, i had let one postdoc read it, and he says it fine and good enough without problems. But the feedback i got from my guide is laden with so much comments. Like sentence structure, writing sentences in a way that is acceptable in report, not being too convoluted in my writing etc. this imposter syndrome is strong at the moment but it comes and go. There are days when i feel that im doing ok, but days like kind of make me doubt myself. I feel like there is a lot for me to improve on before being 'graduate-ready' level.


The last piece of writing I submitted to my supervisor came back with comments everywhere. It's their job to be tough and to push you - I know it's really hard (I literally just posted a thread about imposter syndrome not long ago!) but try not to take it to heart. Just know that as far as I can see this is very normal and your 'guide' is doing their job (as long as the comments are constructive of course!).