whats going on?


Ive got a PhD from first application i made.I didnt think this was unusual until i read this site&discovered how hard it can be.Im gonna appreciate my luck more from now on.If anyone is in same position(about to finish BSc)then i would like to hear.

Im feeling apprehensive, mainly about changing institution because im happy where i am (Bradford).Any advice on settling in?I really wanna get on with the people. Is it best to keep my head down and concentrate on work?Or join in the chat/social scene from the start?


You'll be fine - just do what seems right for you and don't feel that you have to follow the crowd. A change is usually an adventure. You'll probably feel more confident once you get your accomodation etc sorted out.


COncentrate on your work but don't keep your head down. I think joining the social scene will allow u to learn l ots of things, but one thing I have learnt, don't let social scene disturb u as well. It is always good to have good relationship with ur colleagues but a PhD is a personal matter. Don't expect too much help from the others.


I did my degree at Bradford and went on to do an MSc at another institution and consequently am now applying for PhD positions. Although I loved my time at bradford, made loads of great friends i`m not missing it at all! The univeristy is great its just a shame its located in Bradford! I guess it`s one of those things that you dont realise till you go somewhere else and can compare them.