Interview for Said Business School


Hello. I have just received an interview call for the DPhil (PHD) program at Said business School (Univ. of Oxford) . Can anyone pls suggest how i can prepare for this interview? Oxford is notorious for having very rigourous interviews for its undergrad program, should i expect a though for Phd too? Any questions that am likely to encounter?

Also does anyone kw how many candiates they call for the interview and how many they admit? Am just trying to realistically estimate my chances of getting in.
thanks a lot



i hv interview at said as well. dont know anything about their interview procedure.

any way, best of luck!


Hi Ana.

What's your interview!

Have you already faced that...


i think they have several rounds of int ....they aksed abt my proposed rea methods and wanted to ck if i was interested enough in my topic to be able to work on it for 3-4 long let me kw how yr int. goes & if u figure out what lies ahead...


thanks for your notes. but i got my interview schedule with my prospective supervisor to whom i initially contacted, he shown interest on my topic, and suggested me to apply.

let see how it goes.....and i will let u know.....anyway, do u think it sounds positive?


hey that sounds really postive...good luck, do let me kw yr feedback on the process


Hey Friends, just some advice from someone who knows said "Said Business School" in Oxford very well: try to improve your English. This a serious advise and not some stupid comment.


Hi Ana,

My interview is over. I was serious nervous and performed unexpectedly bad. But interviewers have shown very positive attitude towards me. Interviewers kept the hard copy of my MSc dissertation saying that they will go through on it (dissertation topic is same as PhD topic). I am very sad now. I don’t what’s going to happen......


hey...u never kw what will happen, or how yr Msc thesis will be evaluated.
How many ppl interviewed you?
Did they say anything how they would take it forward?? Do u expect any more rounds of ints?


hi ana.............only two people, prospective supervisor who showed interest on the topic and head of the more interview....i need to take gmat if offered.....let me know before 20th of march.....since phd topic is same as my master topic, they will review the dissertation...however they showed very positiv all over and appreciated my works so far....i hv done two master degrees from a uk university..they liked it and questioned me on that point......thax


hey ...atleasyt they have given you a date by which tey will tell you. They have not told me anything at all.....

Good luck...keep me posted ....
Also, how are u planning to get funding? Can u give me some tips ?


hi.....abt funding....i am looking forward to esrc funding or any other funding within the dept. if not, then take the risk of self-funding....wat abt u....


i am not eligible for esrc funding coz i am not a eu resident...was hoping to find something from the depts....but that seems v tough.

Am now thinking of applying to to other schools as nothing seems to be happening at Said ...can u suggest some good schools in teh UK? Was trying to ck the RAE rankings , but those are v old...


hey ana....interview is over..i got an email from oxford saying that to inform about my intending GMAT test date ASAP. I've not yet taken my GMAT test.....Any way....wat's ur comment abt it.....can i expect any Offer.....cheers


It must be a lot of fun talking to one self? Manukana or Anamanuk?