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How to proceed with my PhD.

okie, ill try to do so .............thanks very much & wish me luck :)

How to proceed with my PhD.

i am struggling and need to have some support and advice people ....

currently, i am working on my ph.D and its mess ... working on an isolated island, not communicating with my supervisor at all, for around 5 months. i still feel that i have nothing to discuss and no output to deliver.

what i am doing now is reading, trying to develop a whole structure ( table of content) and begin to write in the chapters .. this is the only way that i can develop a good structure ( which is not yet finished) .... unfortunately, this takes a lot of time and sometimes during work i realize that this part is nonsnese and remove it ... i am ,also, struggling to do the whole methodolgy of the thesis till now .. i usually jump inside and in to details without framing the overall picture for this. this probelm appears whenever i speak to my supervisor, the only comment i receive is i need to a proper methodological chapter ... any advice