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Can someone grab this paper for me?

I'd just email the new author and ask if you could have a copy or the proof version.

Should I accept Scholarship?

It is impossible for anyone to answer this question for you! You need to weigh it up yourself... You could think about what you want to do - what is your end goal, do you need a Masters, do you want to study in the UK again, do you think your current job will allow you to make the progress you want to without having a Masters, etc...

Best platform for poster

Powerpoint. Mind you, that's all I've ever used.

Can someone grab this paper for me?

I tried but it won't let me... is that the older version on ResearchGate?

How to tell supervisor they are wrong?

I don't know anything about DNA but... is it the case that there are multiple ways of doing this and the easier option is adequate but the harder option would be optimal? I am just wondering why your supervisor is keen for you to do the harder option. Perhaps it would get a stronger publication as it is seldom done that way?

From what you've said - you both want different things - both ways are acceptable but one is harder to achieve (or impossible)... so how about you make a plan of data collection for the more difficult to obtain type of samples, and follow through with it. Alongside you have a back up plan of saliva samples or swabs. You present this to your supervisor and show that you are going to try and get the more difficult samples (presumably there is some rationale for this?), but as you perceive that there will be difficulties you also want to have a Plan B in place. Then you go ahead try and get both.

Could this work?

Hard to advise when I don't fully understand the situation - but in a nutshell I mean try and approach it diplomatically. It isn't helpful if you go in with the attitude that your supervisor is "wrong" and you are "right". Surely he has some rationale for wanting the other kind of sample? And if he doesn't and it is utter nonsense, you can still deal with it diplomatically...

Hope this helps.

Just needing to rant: Project Frustrations

Hi awsoci, glad you are doing ok and having therapy. A rant is needed at times! Keep persevering...

Re teaching - have you done any? It is just that from what I have heard, you only need to have done a bit and then you've got that under your belt (on your CV) - no need to keep doing it (unless you have time and enjoy it).

The whole atmosphere of distrust sounds horrible... :/

Transcription Query?

Who do you plan to send the files to? It absolutely needs to be cleared by your university ethics committee unless the participants actually agreed to have their data seen/listened to beyond the research team. I don't know if you're in the UK, but if so, look up the Data Protection Act - there should be a summary. Also, maybe your ethics committee can advise. Maybe it is OK as long as the participants cannot be identified. It is personal data though, so if it wasn't stated on the participant information sheet/consent form...

Feeling really embarrased after bad interview and have to see panel again

Yes! Good luck!

Feeling really embarrased after bad interview and have to see panel again

Quote From Hanginthere:
Like some commenters have noted, put it behind you.
There is no way of judging whether or not an interview went well except for when you are not offered the job.
I went for an interview two weeks ago, which I believed went well, only to receive an email a few days later to say I did not get it.

Goodluck in your search.

Whether or not you get offered the job doesn't mean an interview went well or not! I've had terrible interviews and got the job because it was an inside job sort of thing (when I was in the industry). I've had ones that did go really well and I got excellent feedback but did not get the job for whatever reason (e.g., another candidate was already lined up for it, or another candidate was simply better!).

Feeling really embarrased after bad interview and have to see panel again

Oh I sent a follow up email for both of mine - but no comment on my rubbish performance, just the usual professional thanks and look forward to hearings sort of thing. Presumably you apologized for being late there and then. You could do that again in an email if it would make you feel a bit better. I always think that follow up email shows that you are keen and say they were tied between two candidates - that email might just do it!

What is your reading strategy?

I second that. Also, search this forum for existing threads on this topic or similar. I know it has come up before and people have given really detailed and helpful responses.

Feeling really embarrased after bad interview and have to see panel again

Just put it behind you. It's all you can do! I know how it feels - I've felt embarrassed as well after an interview at my uni. I didn't get it, but then I applied next time round, it went better and I got it. You just have to live it down and move on. You never know - you could still get it. But do you have other options?

Re-developing the research proposal

That is awesome - I hope I can say the same in a year and a half. Thanks again for the encouragement - really needed it.

Unsure on how to address the PhD interview presentation

You could use Powerpoint to draw some of the attention away from you and onto visuals. Once you get started brainstorming ideas, you might be surprised at how much you have to say. Often times I've wondered how I will fill a period of time talking, and then have ended up having to cut parts out! I doubt it would matter if it is a minute of two shorter. You may even get points for being concise (so many people struggle with conciseness).

Maybe as a strategy to deal with the feeling of panic, try to see it as a practice of developing your presentation skills.

Good luck!

Re-developing the research proposal

That's good. My supervisors don't give verbal encouragement (that's why I come to this forum!). Thankfully, they read my drafts and give feedback though.

Quote From Pjlu:
PS: I thought I might add also that neither supervisors have expertise in my topic. Their areas are quite different. I was assigned main supervisor based on availability and some very general similarities and second supervisor came in when another senior person who was assigned to be on my panel moved on.

Do you have someone else you talk to who has expertise then? Just wondered. I am moving away from my main supervisor's expertise, and I was actually thinking of changing supervisors for that reason...