Overview of Alexandra

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Yeah upgrade first chapter minor revisions only!!

Hey, I'm sure you'll do great. Thumbs up!!!

The best way to look for a PhD - need help from you experts out there !!!

Hi guys,
I've just finished reading ALL your posts and let me congratulate all of you for your PhDs& the jobs u'r doing on the forum...

I'm not doing a PhD myself, but was planning on starting one in 2008. I'll have a degree in BioInformatics but I'm mostly interested in medical genetics.
I was wondering what is in your opinion the best way to find a PhD.
I know you can apply for positions at different Universities or institutes...

But has any of you contacted a researcher directly, asking whether he would have a position available in his/her lab? I'm asking cuz this is how I got accepted to some really cool placements in the last few years so I was wondering if any of you did this for a PhD as well...

Also, I was wondering how safe it is to start a PhD in a lab where you don't know anybody... What if u don't get along with your supervisor/other lab members or if u don't like the atmosphere there?
Has any of you tried going for a PhD in an unknown land?

Thanks for your help. I could really use some advice from you guys...