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Obviously the next step is to actually assign people's scores to their subjects and then we might have some evidence (even if we don't really have a sufficient sample size) for the science bias. :)

Geekish tendencies only 13.6.

Was reading this a couple of days ago and not sure if on this thread or stupidest things thread...but was amazed by a comment Eska made about being the 'dumb' one in her family...same here. I was the practical and creative 'dumb one' in mine as well. Not the same now was only in high school and really uni-that the family snidely acknowledged that I was probably intelligent...


My score is 25.64103% - Total Geek. I was a mathematician and now an economist.

So come on then, admit it, who wears 'day of the week' underwear???


My God, who even has enough underwear for everyday of the week? I did but I find that they just go missing, so I have to do ever more frequent wash cycles...mmm...probably too much information there :$ Suppose it makes me exempt from geek though, more like scruff or tramp.

Well, Pju, clearly our talents went over their heads!


I am in the sciences and managed a paltry 7.8% (a poser), can someone break it up for those of us who English is 2nd or third language please, what's the difference between geeks and nerds? I may have this wrong but is geekiness associated with a high IQ and could that be the reason why someone would want to be seen as a geek?


Day of the week underwear is just the most amazing type of clothing ever. *looks sheepish*