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People scared of you and your PhD


I agree golfpro, you people that look down on your friends are just stuck up. Doing a PhD isn't exactly great is it? You may finish and yeah you will be called 'Dr', but so what!!! your friends may earn more than you, have a less stressful job, and haven't racked up years of debt.

When you look at it like that, they look cleverer than any of us.

I just hope you don't all think you warrant some higher place in society just because you have a collection of degrees. I certainly don't, I look at my friends back at home and don't think they are stuck in a rut at all, I admire them, some worked hard to become mechanics, electricians and some work in pubs or factories. They are doing what they are happy with or what they wanted to do since we were all at scholl together, and since money isn't everything, they cannot be faulted for this.

So, don't be so stuck up (thats aimed mostly at Zara). A PhD is a step up to a job you want, not a social step-up, because at the end of the day, that is all it is!


The people I met weren't happy at all.


Thats a very general comment Zara. If they are unhappy with their jobs, then its up to them to change it, not for you to pity them!

I'm sure that not everyone that works in a factory hates it, I mean they get to speed around on fork lifts and play with cool machines.


Ok, so they weren't happy, fair enough. But that wasn't the only point I made.


Did I say I thought I was better than them?? I merely stated what type of feelings the people I met had and that I was glad I wasn't in their position - in a job they hated and which forced them onto antidepressants..which was the case for a lot of them


Let's all bow down to Freddy - the only person in the world that isn't judgemental. The people I met in these factories were a bunch of small-minded losers. Oops - I am SOOOOOOOOO judgemental aren't I??


And another thing - most of the people in these places that I met were always feeling sorry for themselves - but I believe you choose your own way in life - they didn't have to end up working in a place like that.


Dan B is so right - what is wrong with wanting to better yourself, rather than just settling for what other people in your home town do??


The big problem I have with some of the above posts is the use of the word 'better'. It implies superiority of some sort which I personally don't care for.

Regardless I think I will scrap my existing research ideas and develop a new proposal instead. The intial working title will be 'PhD students and feelings of superiority'. Do you think I will get funding?

Don’t anyone get upset. I’m just trying to lighten the mood with a poor attempt at humour.


Nothing is wrong with wanting to better yourself but something is wrong if you think everyone should think the way you do. The fact of life is that not everyone out there has the same opinions or motivations as you.

It is part of being literate to develop a sense of tolerance and respect for other people. Just because they look down on you, doesn't give you the right to do the same. Otherwise where is the difference. Surely you realise that your experiences are subjective, relatively little and might not paint the whole picture.

I don't think this thread was meant to come out the way it has but the way you have presented your arguments are offensive. Especially if for instance one of your close friends or family members work in a corner shop.


So I think as a concluding point-

Zara, No people aren't 'scared' of your PhD, they just don't like your attitude

Some people go to uni, whereas others chose careers where uni isn't necessary. I'm sure these people intended something better than a factory job, but it may not have worked out for them, just like an undergrad wanting a PhD but never being able to get one. So, some people go to uni, some don't, that doesn't mean that those that go to uni are better (as is implied in a worryingly high number of posts on this thread).

And Zara, you need to change that stuck-up attitude of yours


Is that an American size 6 or a EU size 6 or a UK size 6?


size 6? wouldn't that make you unattractively thin??


well said amanda, I agree with you there


Im feeling depressed reading some of this tosh - some of you have your heads so stuffed up your arses, Im surprised you ever see the light of day. Doing a PhD doesnt make you a better person - how narrow minded and pathetic to think it does.