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People scared of you and your PhD


My position is slightly different. I completed my undergraduate degree 11 years ago and after 11 years of graduate jobs which paid reasonably well I had a dawning realisation that this was not what I wanted anymore. The prospect of doing the same thing in 5 years time filled me with horror. I'd always had a suppressed desire to do a Phd and rapidly came to the conclusion that the day I lie on my death bed recollecting my achievements in life and what I did for the world I would having nothing useful to say.

So instead I thought I'd do a career which actually interested me even if the pay is surprisingly bad.

So I'm giving up my decent paid job (hopefully not my house - I'll rent that out) and should hopefully start in September - if I pass the funding round.

Seriously guys, there are many out there who would give their high teeth to be where you are. I'm deeply envious!


I did discuss it with a couple of friends I went through school with who completed their PhDs a couple of years ago. They emphatically said go for it!...just don't expect to earn big bucks at the end of it!


Some of you think I am stuck up - well actually I'm still close friends with some people who work in chicken factories and shops - and I was brought up in a family where most worked in these kind of jobs - so I know how bloody lucky I am not to be in the same line of work.


I was brought up in a working class single parent family where 'some people dont have the opportunities or advantages that most PhD students are fortunate enough to enjoy' (as amanda would say) - I was never encouraged to do my homework, let alone go to university and do a PhD!! But I CHOSE to work my bloody ass off for years - rather than simply take the first job available in the local factory..however, it is true enough that many people are happy with their factory or shop jobs (although I've never met one).


Dan B - it's you and me against the world babe!!


AND ANOTHER THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda, interstella, Mia etc:

Ask yourself this question - would you be happy slapping bits of cold, wet chicken breast into a tray all day?? I THINK NOT!!

Some of the people I met working in these places smoked about 40 a day, swore like troopers and had no respect for anything other than TV, boozing and Bingo - I bet you the world that none of you would give these people the time of day if you met them!!

When I told them I was interested in birds and wildlife they looked at me as if I was bonkers - they had no idea about the world around them..unless they saw it on TV.


Ooh err.............


the discussion has moved on since I posted, but I would like to direct you (DanB) to the point you made a little while ago - "But then I've never had a problem in wanting to be better than other people, if I did, why the hell am I spending so long at uni and learning other skills too ? I really don't want to be an average joe and I'm guessing neither does Zara."
I think you made your point pretty clear.


Zara - what?

Dont presume that I judge others as you would.

And no I wouldnt be happy packing chickens, but then i wouldnt be happy dissecting rats or being in the police force. I wouldnt be happy thinking that I was better than others just because of a poxy award.


OK Mia and co. I'll get you an application form for the local pie factory. It sounds like you wouldn't mind working there - since you think it isn't a step down in the career ladder from where you currently are


This is turning into a total bitch fest!!

But deep down ALL of you agree with me - otherwise you'd all be putting the tops on pies as we speak.

I am in a better position than poor little Lizzie living in a council house with two kids she doesn't know who the father is, earning a living by stuffing her meat in pies. I've travelled the world too whereas some (not all) factory workers don't even know where Manchester is on the map.


So no I've not lost the arguement - it just shows how many of you are hypocrites. There is NO WAY any of you would rather be working in a factory or hanging about with the factory girls on a night out in the local night club. How often have you laughed at Janice Battersby in Corrie and how little have you thought 'I really respect her and admire her for the job she does!!'.



Zara, there's a word for you:


1. One who tends to patronize, rebuff, or ignore people regarded as social inferiors and imitate, admire, or seek association with people regarded as social superiors.

2.One who affects an offensive air of self-satisfied superiority in matters of taste or intellect.


This thread just looks like blind regurgitation of the same thing over and over again. Mostly about chicken breasts... Perhaps this is a spill over from the eating fluffy thread.

I propose inorder to end this, we have a vote on what you thought of the main author's arguments here... The only thing you are allowed to say about the issue: YES or NO. No need to explain your choice. Just put the vote.

So the question is: Do you think we deserve more respect than a working class person (factory worker, corner shop sales person) because we are doing a PhD?

My Vote: NO