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Part time or full time PhD - a difficult decision.

I graduated with my undergrad degree in 2014 and i have recently gotten myself my first graduate job at the uni as a technician (my degree is in computer science) this job pays a good income for my age but doesn't have much room for promotion. I used to do some casual teaching at the uni and i enjoyed this so part of me thinks i should strive for a lecturing position, which would be more stimulating, pay more and have room for promotions and development. The problem is that i'll need a PhD.

Therefore, if i decide that this is the route i want to take (an academic career vs an industry career) i could either attempt my PhD part time at my current establishment, for free: which i think will be very difficult to do or, i could apply for studentships, resign from my job and do the PhD full time, for 3-4 years with a stipend (of about 15k) at a different uni. This would allow me to get extra teaching experience and earn my PhD at a different uni from my undergrad working within an innovative department with some well known researchers in my field. The downside would be giving up my current job security, pension etc and losing about 8k (post tax) per year.

I figure however, that my chance of success is far higher with FT vs PT PHD and that i would then be well qualified for a number of academic positions as well as more alined for any industry positions i decided to go for. Presumably the higher starting salary and room for growth and promotion with he PHD would allow me to make back to 32k loss from my studies.

Can anyone offer some thoughts or opinions on my situation and what they think would be my best course of action?

Much appreciated


Part time phd

Thanks for the information guys - i appreciate it

Part time phd

Hi All,

I have recently got a new job which, next year will provide me with support for a part time PhD (1 day per week off). My PhD will be in computer science and i am wondering how long i should realistically expect this to take, working on it 1 full day per week and a few extra hours at nights and weekends only.

Could anyone who has done this give me some advice and info?
