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Using an editor before submitting?

Then I believe that's a real poor show then if the supervisor cannot be bothered to properly read the text they're given. I'll count myself as one of the lucky ones then.

Using an editor before submitting?

I don't think the supervisor would be too busy. As they're reading it, checking the content, they will mark any mistakes, why wouldn't they? They want you to hand in the best work you can - it's a reflection on them.

If you do know someone who is really hot on their grammar and spelling use them, even if they don't understand the content, they should be able to see if your words flow and if there are any errors.

Using an editor before submitting?

I agree with DanB. If your supervisor is checking it then they should be able to point out and mistakes (and they should be doing it for free)

Although the grammar and spelling are important the content is the essential point. As long as the science or the ideas are well formed and backed up then you should be fine. If all the viva voce assessor picks you up on, are some small spelling or grammar mistakes then you have no problem. Good luck.

Time Flying Really Fast

Does anyone else feel like their PhD is flying by? Had the fear of God knocked into me last week. Each year the third years have to give a 45 minute presentation on their work hence each June two days are taken up in talks. What scared me is that next year I'll be a third year and have to talk which means I really have to get some decent results together. It seems on yesterday I was starting out and figuring out to do all the practical and starting to read up on the project in the literature.

simplifying presentation for the non specialist

Part of my scholarship requirements has me talking polymer chemistry to businessmen who last did chemistry at O Level, if that. When I give the talks I agree with the advice given by H.

Pictures are great. I use simplified images to explain points and it comes across a lot clearer than text.

Avoid technical jargon.

Use your non-specialist friends. I usually give talks to either my non-chemist girlfriend or one of my humanities mates. If they look confused then the presentation needs altering; their advice has been invaluable.

It can be a little annoying to simplify your work, but it is an essential skill and if any watching your presentation does have more than the average idea of what you're talking about, more than likely they'll ask a question or seek you out later, giving you a chance to really show what you know.

my conference survey

Should say that every group has its problems - despite the happy smiling group photos my group is unfortunately split into two sections (or cliques), which is frustrating when you're trying to organise a group trip out or a night to go to the pub.

my conference survey

A lot of my group go to conferences on their own due to the fact that we all have quite diverse research topics. Although most have a fee we have a few which are free so you only have to pay to get there.

how many publications do you have?

My supervisor reckons 2 is the average number. It really varies. A number of people in my group have published quite a few short communications on their results (communications being usually two pages), whilst others have written much more comprehensive papers (quite long) hence they have less publications. Both are acceptable.

Benchmarks after 9 months

Are you undertaking a scientific PhD i.e. with lab work etc, or a humanities PhD?

Working during writing up

Just been sorting out my finances and for some reason this got me thinking about when my stipend ends next year (September) and I'll be in the process of writing up. How many people work whilst writing up? I appreciate if you don't work you can spend more time writing your thesis but with rent and general living costs etc. I don't think I'll be able to not work.

What bad habits have you acquired since starting your PhD?

Coffee, way too much coffee...

About to quit

Good luck, hope it all works out.

back after easter

Sounds very normal. I started again last week on Wednesday and it was like working in the Mary Celeste. Really couldn't get motivated and considering I fly on holiday this Wednesday I don't hold too much hope for getting work done today and tomorrow...


Never used ebay but if you like it, a mate showed me this and thought it was quite funny...



Killing time waiting for a reaction to finish so I can go to the pub. Time is going sooooooooo slowly...