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need help with self-motivation!

Thinking about the end result and why you are doing the PhD in the first place (should) help with the motivation.

GRE for PHD in Chemical Engineering

No problem!
Remember a PhD is all about perseverance. If something doesn’t go right, keep going. Keep us all informed on the outcome!

PS. I went to a translation search engine free on the web. That expression came out as:
“Bite on granite or hold proofs here or mouth”.

Should I put faith in this web site in the future?

GRE for PHD in Chemical Engineering

Your best bet would be to do some searching around University web sites for minimum requirements for GRE. I did a search for Stanford and came up with this:

Sometimes on University web sites, you can find average GRE/GPA for the previous year admitted.

Personally, I'm all about keeping your options open. I would say go for it! If you're not accepted at any Universities, you can always inquire about where your application was weak, and if it requires re-writing the GRE, so be it. :)

Addressing supervisors online

hahaha...hilarious Piglet!

GRE for PHD in Chemical Engineering

Hi Darius,
I do not believe that you are in trouble. While I have heard that U.S schools do place weight on the GRE (I am Canadian), it sounds to me that you stand a GOOD chance. The GRE is ONE test combined with the years you spent on building an excellent GPA, research experience and letters of recommendation. Also I assume your well defined interests clearly match a faculty member interests. I'm sure they will consider "the entire application". Good luck!

how old are all of you guys?

I just turned 27 and started my phd. I found my first grey hair after starting too... My research is in gerontology, so I guess it was going to happen soon enough

Did anyone take a year (or more) off?

I took a year off between my Master's and PhD, when I was offered position through the University where I currently study. The experience really helped decide if I wanted to do a PhD, and allowed me to decide if I could work well with my current advisor.

Discouraged about quality of PhDs

My PhD program requires me to complete all course work, 2 comprehensive exams and the dissertation within 12 terms or 4 years (as a full time student, with a TA or RA). Rumor has it that most students do finish in 3 years with the 4th year used as a “cushion” for any problems that may arise!

Anyways, I think this forum is great and I look forward to talking with all of you.

Discouraged about quality of PhDs

I am also a Canadian PhD student, and new to this forum.

I believe achieving a PhD or Master’s in Canada varies across disciplines, and perhaps institutions.

I completed my MA degree (social sciences) in 2 years (as a full time student), the length of the program. Four other students in my year completed the degree in this time frame. Two students in my year were delayed due to problems with data collection, change in advisor/problems with external examiner, which ended up being 3 years to complete the degree. Generally, our impression was that the “vibe” in the department towards these students was negative, and taking any longer then 2 years was frowned upon.