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Application Process.. Advice or Comiseration Please

Thanks- I agree. Only thing is that if I sell my house in CA right now, I will take a big hit financially. I'm really only willing to take that loss for my first choice. I'd rather wait a year (I have a good job in the meantime) and hope that the real estate market improves in the next 18 mos. Even if it doesn't, I'll apply to 5 or 6 next year and also get a second shot at my top choice. At that point, if I have to take a loss on the house, I'll just suck it up

Turning down studentship last minute

Well first off, be honest, you are letting them down, and as you say, these people have been very supportive. That said, it's more important that in the end you are in the right program for YOU. I would suggest falling on the sword as humbly as possible. Something like "Dr. X, I'd like to talk to you about the studentship I accepted there at X. I have quite unexpectedly received an offer from another university that I feel I just can't pass up. I feel terrible letting you down at this late date, especially after you have been so helpful and supportive to me, but I feel it's important for me to take an opportunity that better fits my career goals. I want you to know that I appreciate the support you've given me, and I am sorry that this choice, while it may be the best for me, means letting you down." Brace yourself for verbal onslaught and take it gracefully, because it is warranted. Then, CELEBRATE... you're going somewhere that is a better choice for you. Good luck.

Application Process.. Advice or Comiseration Please

Hi. I'm in the process of applying to ONE program (my dream program).. will apply to more next year if I don't succeed. I know this is general, but is anyone else out there in my boat... going crazy knowing that I'm throwing myself headlong into this and won't even know for 7 months if I'm in.. and even though I'm a strong candidate, my chances are still slim just because of the numbers? Any advice on increasing my chances?