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Is everyone sleeping?

I think everyone knows Sylvester's crush on his flatmate! But I agree on H and DanB!

Is everyone sleeping?

ULUG i understand you completely! Sometimes I have these thoughts too (exactly the same). Sometimes I feel like I am a teenager for second time (from the point of view that I think about life, dont know what I want, what is happening around etc). Weird!

Is everyone sleeping?

Sylvester, can you figure out why everyone thinks that about us? What have we done apart from a chat when everyone else was away?

Is everyone sleeping?

ULUG, about life in general? What concerns you? (I am famous for my philosophical discussions )

Is everyone sleeping?

Why Sylvester?

Hair highlights! Color?

Ah right! I would love to join! But until April... who knows! Are you working Sylvester at this time of the night?

Is everyone sleeping?

Yes, I also noticed that the forum is dead at nights! Is there anyone out there?

Is everyone sleeping?

Hi Sara! I usually sleep late. I prefer working at night as during the day there are many distructions . Why cant you sleep/work?

Hair highlights! Color?

It seems I have missed a lot. H, when is the forum meeting? And where?

I have a hangover ...

What about yours Sara?

Hair highlights! Color?

Hmmm... more colours to choose from Sylvester, how did you get rid of that colour then? (Didnt know that even men want highlights! How far behind can I be?

Hair highlights! Color?

Good night Ann! Thanks a lot!

Hair highlights! Color?

Thanks for the pics Ann Hmmm I think that this colour will wash out even more quickly. Ann is there a term for when you want some highlights to begin lower than the root? Very silly question, I know!

Hair highlights! Color?

Yes ULUG, go to bed before you say more

Hair highlights! Color?

I think you got it wrong ULUG! Maybe trying your greek drunk is not a good idea