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Would you do it again?

I have just graduated from univeristy in cellular biology and am currently considering the pros and cons of a phd. Im trying to get a research assistant job to help make that decision. I think that I like the idea of doing something interesting for the next few years and am not ready to sell out to the "city". however, the money of the city and the security is slightly appealing. On the flip side I want to use my degree and not feel like it was all in vain I think ive got at least 3-4 yr of interest in science left in me but im not sure i could hack lots of post docs. My other option feels like graduate medicine. this would lead me to a job but theres still lots of opportunity and i get to enjoy aspects of science still. I dont want to just do a job because its the obvious option or because I know what it involves.. any advice? from this forum im really confused and it looks like a phd might not be a fantastic option?! thanks¬!