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======= Date Modified 01 May 2012 13:42:21 =======
I'd send them an email, Lindalou, being friendly but asking them a specific question. I've done that a couple of times and it's been fine, but if they're really busy (as academics tend to be) they may not want to have a vague chat so an actual question might be best.(Also - don't worry, you probably haven't missed anything!!)

Software downloaded successfully - it was a bit of a pain but I got through it. I'm just finishing off my second conference funding application, then I need to look at friend's questionnaire, and then finally after all of that I'll be able to play around with the new software and work out what I need to do to get my next bit of analysis started.

The One Goal Thread
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Sounds like you're both going to make some good progress today.

My first task of the day is to download some software - hopefully it'll be straightforward but all the security stuff installed on my university laptop can make this a long-drawn-out process!

I also need to:
2.) Look at and comment on friend's draft questionnaire
3.) Finish drafting funding applications for two conference funds
4.) Plan out what I need to do to get going on new statistical analysis (should have done this yesterday but didn't manage it!)

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Morning both of you, and welcome back Linda! Glad you had such a good time - and hope you cope okay with the return to reality!

Moving house isn't that much fun really. I'm starting to box up my stuff ready to move and I can't believe how much there is to do. Of course, my supervisors chose now to suggest some heavy deadlines - I've agreed because I know they're needed, but blimmin'eck, I don't know when I'll get it all done!

Oh well. Tasks for today:
1.) Write up supervision meeting notes and send to supervisors (nearly done this now)
2.) Apply for two lots of funding for the two conferences I'm presenting at
3.) Look at what I need to prepare before starting on new lot of data analysis
4.) Get as prepared as I have time for!
I also have to take a load of books and clothes to the charity shop and go food shopping. Hmm, not much time then!

The One Goal Thread
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Morning again!

Today is going to be a fairly bitty day. I have a supervision meeting this afternoon and want to discuss my timetable and the structure of my thesis, plus funding for two conferences I'm presenting at, so I need to have everything ready to discuss those properly. Plus there are other admin bits to do, so I might not have a chance to get back to analysing my interviews today. Oh well!

Good luck with your work (if anyone else is reading this thread at the moment....!)

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Today, my computer is being upgraded so in a minute I have to switch it off and take it to the IT people. Which means a whole day without being able to access the internet! No Facebook, no quick glance at the Guardian, no coming here... how will I cope?? (I'll probably get loads of work done....)

I've printed out my interview transcripts to analyse, so I'll be doing that today. And later, spending hours re-installing all the software that the upgrade deletes. Grrrr.

The One Goal Thread
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Sounds like you're making good progress!

I was out at one of the organisations I'm studying this morning, collecting some final bits of data, so this afternoon I've downloaded the data and had a quick look at it (interesting!) Tomorrow my computer is being upgraded to a new version of Windows by the IT department, so all I'm going to do now is make sure my back ups are up to date. Then I'll spend the rest of the day sorting out a few things in my flat in preparation for moving.

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Goals 3 and 4 done, goal 5 mostly done, and I think I'll be able to sort out goal 6 before home time. What a good day!

Hope yours was good too!

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Hi Button

Sounds like you're making good progress!

I didn't so any work yesterday because my parents came to visit, so they took me out to lunch and I just lazed around after they'd left!

Lots to get on with today. I'm meeting my supervisors
1.) Go swimming - DONE
2.) Look up travel and accommodation for two conferences - DONE
3.) Sort out software/hardware for taking measurements tomorrow
4.) Revise chapter plan for thesis
5.) Revise publication plan
6.) Revise timetable for rest of PhD
I did want to carry on analysing my interviews today as well, but looking at that list of things I don't think I'll have time. Oh well!

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You'll get there!

I've finally finished the nightmare last transcription. My head hurts now! What a boring boring interviewee that was... But that means I can pack away my work with a clear conscience. Going to do a bit tomorrow afternoon, but otherwise it's a lovel weekend off!

Have a good weekend too!

The One Goal Thread
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Oh Button, I totally recognise that feeling, and the thread avoidance - definitely been there! Is there any way you can break the job down into smaller tasks so it's not such an overwhelming thing to face? Or start on what looks like the easiest/least difficult bit? Sometimes I find trying different methods works for me - like printing stuff out and physically cutting it up to play around with the order of sections, or going to work in a silent study booth or at my kitchen table instead of my usual desk. Would any of that help? Whatever, though, don't worry about it - I often find that kind of resistance to doing something means I haven't properly worked out what I'm trying to do. If you're fairly relaxed about it you'll figure it out.

Anyway, I would quite cheerfully murder my final interviewee. He's monumentally self-important and just talks too bloomin much! I've done another nine minutes of my transcription and I'm ready to scream!

PhD Books/Guides
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I second both 'How to get a PhD' and 'The unwritten rules of PhD research'. I've read both, and they are useful. But only to a certain extent - a lot of it is just getting stuck in and really getting to know the literature in your field, and starting from there. I found this forum invaluable for tips though - do read through some of the more general advice threads/threads about what people did in their first year. And the courses my university offered on things like time management and project management and the supervisor-student relationship were generally pretty good - some of the stuff felt a bit obvious, but I generally learned something from each session, and meeting other students from other departments was always useful for fresh perspectives.

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I ended up taking yesterday off. Woke up all clammy and feverish, and felt worse when I got out of bed, so I ended up spending the whole day on the sofa feeling generally rubbish and watching TV. I feel a bit better today, just like if I'm not careful I could come down with something nasty. So I'm going to take it easy - finish my final transcription and do a bit more housework, and that'll be it.

Hope your day's better than mine!

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First interview transcribed - blimey, that felt like hard work, and all I have left now is the nightmare one with the guy who wouldn't stop talking. So I'm going to take a break and sing along to some music while I clean the bathroom. Oh what an exciting life!

An update from me
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Hi Skig

Massive congratulations on the baby! That's great news.

And yes, the viva wait sounds unbelievably frustrating. I hope you get news soon, and that the date fits in with all the other things you've got going on!

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Yeah, I'm hoping a narrative will emerge and enable me to dump a few of them without fear!

Glad the day off helped. Good luck today!

My work goal for the day is to transcribe my final two interviews. I also need to clean the bathroom and do some sorting out in the kitchen - my parents are visiting on Monday and the place is a tip, and also I am supposed to be moving in about 3 weeks so I'd better be ready for that!