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How to cope with depression/anxiety first year PhD student

I suppose my main supervisor is very respected in his field, and has very high expectations - which in a way is what I want as at the end of the day it'll hopefully mean I get a really good PhD. But when I spend a lot (and I mean A LOT) of time in the lab and feel like I take 2 steps forward, 3 steps back with everything, it's hard to not beat myself up when I don't have data to show for my efforts and let my supervisors know I am progressing and I'm not wasting everyone's time. And it doesn't help that it means I feel like I have no time for anything else so I find it very hard to relax

PhD poster


thanks for the tips. It's my first poster presentation so I'm a bit worried about it as I don't know what to expect - I suppose having really good data really would help me feel a bit more prepared!

How to cope with depression/anxiety first year PhD student


Ive always been an anxious person, but now I'm coming to the end of my first year I'm so anxious and depressed about how little data I have and experiments repeatedly going wrong that I don't want to go in and face it anymore and wake up in the night panicked. I'm convinced I'm going to fail and really don't want to let anyone down. Also I have a lot of deadlines this week and I'm completely overwhelmed. My supervisor are lovely but very busy so feel guilty for taking my problems to them as I feel I'm wasting their time and should figure it out myself.

Does anyone know what could help?

PhD poster

Hi All,

I'm having a stress about my upcoming PhD poster at a conference.
Generally the poster is fine, and my flow cytometry data is looking good, but as sod's law would predict it, my associated westerns aren't working as well as they should. I have had meetings with my supervisors, and both have been very supportive despite me having a lot of issues, and I had thought I turned a corner until the last week.

I have emailed about my concerns but I am worried that due to my dodgy westerns I've let myself and them down again, and really wanted to do well for all of us.

Any tips?