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======= Date Modified 06 41 2010 20:41:24 =======
======= Date Modified 16 15 2010 15:15:10 =======
Dear All,

Iam an overseas postgraduate completed my Masters in molecular biology(UK) in feb2009.
Recently I have got oppurtunity for PhD(Biotech) in reputed university which is self arranged project for sep2010 intake.

1) Can I have any information regarding oppurtunities for funding?
2) I have seen DHP,ORS,ORSAS for this year. the deadline is finished. May I know any other scholarships for my PhD?
3) If not for this year, Can I have scholarship atleast from 2nd year?
4) What are all the available schoalrships for overseas students doing PhD in UK?

please do give me an early response.

PhD to MSc/MPhil?

Hi, I have read the whole ., I am indeed looking for funded projects in US for my PhD in molecular biology. Iam an international student completed Masters in UK and now looking for funded projects in US. Since you already told that US is far better in funding., May I know how to approach supervisors? Do I got to write GRE? Are there any universities which can offer funded projects without GRE?

PhD in US

Hi Claire

Thanks for your respose.
Is that you are in job related to research or doing your PhD ?

Anyvay May I know the optimal score of GRE for admission into research in US?

Limited oppurtunities for overseas students

Many thanks for your response.

Yes thats true that I have seen some funded projects for overseas in this site. But I dont know how to follow up..Is that to send an application enquiry ? Or send our research proposal, CV and CL ? or apply online ?

Previously though I have applied by online for 2-3 applications, I dint get any response.......so, I thought that there may be some other..way in approach....

If possible, can you guide in this aspect?

PhD in US

======= Date Modified 16 44 2009 21:44:18 =======
Hi all,

Currently I have finished my Masters in molecular biology and looking for funded projects.

My queries are:

1) How to get PhD in US without any GRE/TOEFEL?

2) If so what are list of universities in US?

3) Research Degree(PhD-Molecular biology) --Is that the same value whether we do in UK or US???

Limited oppurtunities for overseas students

======= Date Modified 16 29 2009 21:29:40 =======

I have finished my MASTERS IN MOLECULAR BIOLOGY now looking for funded project in universities. I see that there are very limited oppurtunities..for overseas if they are also, very competitive... My queries are...

In research admission(PhD)

1)Do they see the publications?
2)Does the research experience count?

Can any one suggest the universities in UK which can provide funding for an overseas student related to research in Molecular biology?..


im..not..currently...EU member...as...I have been since..for..only..1..year..in..UK..(Doing my masters..)
and also..Though im an distinction holder allthrough out career,I got rejection letters..
Ill surely try for other universities..
can any one clear me...that
Does the university in which we do our PHD...do count in future prospects??

which one is the best?

either to do PhD in top rated university(CAMBRIDGE,OXFORD)
can we do any university?

This is the question raised by an international student studying masters..in molecular biology in UK.