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Thanks smoobles, I'm definitely going to invest in one! Off to PC World later to have a play with them all!

The One Goal Thread

Hope the headaches buggers off Linda; I hate headaches, they make every task seem like a chore! I usually give up and have a nap.

I have actually finished my presentation, woo! I've worked out that I always over-estimate the time I'll need to do a task; I think it's my way of not stressing! I have a meeting with sup tomorrow so I'm going to talk to her about writing a couple of journal articles. Seeing as I'm ahead of schedule I think I've got time to pop a couple out over summer (articles that is!) whilst I'm waiting for feedback on my findings chapters. I could be cracking on with my discussion chapter, but I'll need to sort my lit review chapters first, and I really don't want to go there!

Right I'm off to eat a late lunch, walk puppy and do some training with her, then it's off to the gym, food shopping and to have a browse with hubby for a kindle or similar! How productive do I feel (up)


Anyone have one? I'm a bit slow with the times and have only just decided to invest in one before I go off on my holiday, so I don't have to lug a suitcase full of trashy novels away with me.

I ideally want an e-reader that I can use to borrow books from my local library, and kindle doesn't seem to support this. Does anyone have any experience of the Kobo Touch or Kobo Vox? I like the look of them. Or any other alternatives do let me know! :-)

The One Goal Thread

Morning all!

I got half of my presentation done today which is great, so I want to try and get the other half done today to finish it off! But I have a few distractions today and tomorrow, so I want it absolutely finished by Friday. Best get cracking!

The One Goal Thread

Hi everyone! Glorious weather isn't it? Although not so glorious to be working through it!

My aim is to complete a presentation (which has a dual purpose) by the 30th. I also need to edit a findings chapter and have a supervision in between, but I want all of that completely polished off by the 30th. I have all of next week free with no plans at all, so that should be doable.

Goal 1 (for today and for the rest of this month!); work on presentation

The One Goal Thread

Morning all! Linda I hope you've sorted the thesis crisis?

I'm still at an inbetween stage today (waiting to do a presentation this week and meet sup and teach etc), so I don't want to start anything 'big' this week until I've got all of that out of the way. My next big task is to work on a conference presentation, but if I start this now I think I'd get confused when doing this weeks presentation, as they are similar. So that's my justification to catch up with 'home' stuff today!

Goal 1- practice presentation
Goal 2- gym, food shopping etc

Good luck today everyone!

The One Goal Thread

Goals 1 and 2 are done. I'm a bit bored today though, don't feel motivated at all!

The One Goal Thread

Morning all! I've got lots of things going on this week, so I'm not working on anything 'big'. I might also use some time sorting stuff for moving.

Goal 1- teaching prep
Goal 2- practice presentation
Goal 3- carry on planning for conference

Good luck today everyone!

The One Goal Thread


I do hope Batfink is okay too!

Well I don't have an awful lot to do today work wise, I'm ahead of schedule.

Goal 1- practice conference presentation
Goal 2- take doggy to be groomed whilst me and hubs go the gym ha
Goal 3- start planning for next conference presentation

Hubby is working late tonight so I also may take myself off to Ikea, and find lots of furniture that we will obviously 'need' for our new house (up)

The One Goal Thread

Morning! I'm at uni today teaching so not going to be around today. Just need to practice my conference presentation later and then go food shopping.

Have a good day!

The One Goal Thread

Oh Linda yes I hate that too! Very annoying!

I've finally made it through editing, which means I officially have 4 out of 4 findings/discussion chapter first drafts! Just need to read through the last chapter and then sup can have them all, I don't want to see them for a long time!

Weight! How to lose weight gained during phd.

Quote From Clementine:

Wow, congrats on your weight loss! Inspiring :) I was thinking of joining weight watchers but it seems like a waste of money. Will check out slimmin world...

I lost weight for my wedding via weightwatchers (up) but I didn't go to meetings, instead I bought the books off ebay and did it myself. Weightwatchers is definitely more restrictive than slimming world, but I did lose weight quicker. I just wanted an overall healthier lifestyle this time round!

The One Goal Thread

I'm well on my way to getting all my goals finished, but I'm really bored of editing, eugh!

The One Goal Thread

Good luck with the re-structuring! Oooh wine, lovely!

I'm bored of reading my chapter, I hate editing!

Weight! How to lose weight gained during phd.

The only issue with slimming world is that you really have to make meals from scratch. For example, rather than buying a shop bought lasagne, I make a home-made lasagne.

It does take time BUT I cook all my meals in advance and freeze them all. Last Saturday was cooking day so I made about 6 portions of lasagne, 4 portions of cottage pie, and about 20 portions of soup! It means that it actually takes less time making lunch and tea, because I just defrost it and then chuck it in the microwave!

The good thing about it is that me and hubs can eat the same thing as it's not really a diet (unlike weightwatchers). Buy a slimming world pack off ebay, I don't go to classes or anything (up)