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PhD: Industry or University?

Hi Ikaros, sorry for the delay. Thank you for your reply, it is very interesting to know about similar experiences!

You are right, I should look at teams, topics, equipment... I was just not sure whether a name on the CV was important or not! Thank you for sharing your opinion. (By the way, I classify Imperial as a highly-ranked university ;) )
As you have done, other people advised me to find a topic not focused on a single aspect, but maybe something applied to a broader field to develop other skills; personally I would like something related to the pharma world (obviously).

Thank you again! :)

PhD: Industry or University?

Hey! Anyone else has some advice or experience to share? :)

PhD: Industry or University?

Thank you very much for your answer. You did well in advising me concerning money… it’s always a big issue! However, I have other reasons to go in the UK, so in this situation I will try to find the best for me.

Indeed, there are not many PhDs in industry, as far as I know. I will surely apply for a few of them and see what happens. Thank you again for your answer on the topic: actually this is also my thought, that it should be better for an easier entry in the industry itself.
Being unlucky after the PhD, I was wondering if the “average” university with which they are usually connected will count or not, compared to a normal PhD in a higher ranking university.

PhD: Industry or University?

Hi everyone!

I have almost finished my (Italian) Master's Degree in Organic Chemistry, and I'm considering the possibility to begin a PhD in UK... But I'm not sure if I want to become an academic, probably after that I will go find a job. I am looking around, and have found some possibilities for an Industrial PhD (where 90% of the work is done in industry, in this case a pharmaceutical one). I have a good cv, so I think (and hope to be right) to have good possibilites to win one of these, but maybe also to take a PhD in a good university in UK. While these industrial PhDs are connected with "average" universities.

My questions are:
Is it worth to begin an industrial PhD? Does it give more chances to find a job after it? How is it better or different to a "normal" PhD at university?
If you have any experience and/or advice, that would be really appreciated! I'm a bit lost at the moment...

Thank you in advance!

PhD: Industry or University?

Hi everyone!

I have almost finished my (Italian) Master's Degree in Organic Chemistry, and I'm considering the possibility to begin a PhD in UK... But I'm not sure if I want to become an academic, probably after that I will go find a job. I am looking around, and have found some possibilities for an Industrial PhD (where 90% of the work is done in industry, in this case a pharmaceutical one). I have a good cv, so I think (and hope to be right) to have good possibilites to win one of these, but maybe also to take a PhD in a good university in UK. While these industrial PhDs are connected with "average" universities.

My questions are:
Is it worth to begin an industrial PhD? Does it give more chances to find a job after it? How is it better or different to a "normal" PhD at university?
If you have any experience and/or advice, that would be really appreciated! I'm a bit lost at the moment...

Thank you in advance!