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2days away from submitting a letter to downgrade to an MPhil

2days away from submitting a letter to downgrade to an MPhil.

I always have a meetings with my supervisor and he is usually his bully, racist and stupid self.

And today he was so nice to me and I am thinking either this guy is bipolar or he found out I want to downgrade and leave so he is trying to leave.

Such an asshole, I cant forgive the mistreatment, bullying and unfairness I have recived from him the past year. He can fuck off I have found a job and I am leaving

Unfair and a Bully that is my Supervisor and Quiting my PhD

Can I say thank you so much guys for advice.
I have been offered a job and will therefore be requesting to downgrade from PhD to Mphil early feb.

I am excited but nervous.
Will apply again for a phd somewhere else next year.


As mentioned in my previous post I am leaving my PhD because of the break down of the relationship with my supervisor who is a bully and treats me unfairly.

I have 4years experience in the industry and still in my 20's.
I have completed a 1yr and 3months of my PhD program. I have already have my first project completed. I have 1 and a half project completed. So as soon as I find work, I will ask to be downgraded from a PhD to an MPhil.
Question: What are the requirements of getting an MPhil besides having to complete 12months research work which I have done?

Also will I completely lose my monthly scholarship payment as soon as I inform them of my decision to leave?

I have done 1 and half projects, is this enough to obtain an MPhil with the work I have done?

Good news, I started working part time in december and I realized how much I missed working in general. I find myself enjoying going to work and loathing going to university to deal with my supervisor. Don't get me wrong I love my PhD project I just hate that I work with my supervisor whom I can not change because the grant was given to him because of this project.
If I could swap supervisor's I would love to stay but I can not so I am leaving.
I did leave my well paid professional job last year for this. I loved my job but I has always wanted to do a phd so when the opportunity called I answered. So am going right back, hey and nay at the same time because I am not a quitter however sometimes you have to do what makes you happy.

I am excited to leave my PhD becasue it has caused me great distress and depression and I feel suicidal because of my supervisor's treatment of me.

I am also excited to continuing my journey on an amazing career I started 4years ago.
Your advise will be greatly appreciated.
I wish you well in your studies folks.

Unfair and a Bully that is my Supervisor and Quiting my PhD

Since my last post, my relationship with my supervisor has rapidly declined.Summary:He wrote an email expressing how I will never get a phd, that am stupid and that he will down grade me to an MPhil next year and accusing me of not coming to university because he never sees me on a daily basics which is untrue.From his initial emails, there was a series of exchange of email from him to me vis versa to the extent that I started copying my second supervisor in the email and he didn't even try to intervene. However, he then suggested I take the 5th until we open in january off to calm down and we will talk when we come back. However he changed his mind and suggested we meet on the 7th december. Can I just say that the meeting was rubbish and unhelpful, he was basically trying to over his back. Also he told my college his second student not to tell me that he has told him his 3 projects for next year. He told him to keep is confidential and never to tell me. What does this mean? He is treating me unfairly and giving the other student more support. Oh did I mention that in one of his emails he basically told me that he was going to leave me to just do my work without his supervision. After carefully thinking about it I went to the PhD head who told me it was a project grant and that I can not swap supervisors because the grant was given to him because of his project.He told me that I had two options:a) Be nice to him and learn to get along with him until I finish. Even tho I explained that he is ht problem not me.b) cut my losses and get an MPhil and leave. I worry if I stay I will never get my phd under his supervision. I dont trust him, I dont think he has my best interest. For this reason, I decided to start applying for work, as soon as I get work I will be requesting to be downgraded to an MPHIL and leave.
As much as I hate this decision, I feel its the right choice as being here for 1year and half has caused me so much distress and depression. I wanna get my happy back, I going back to my old job and progress with that.

He is also on probation because it his first job as a lecturer. I can not go on working with someone who has broken down my spirit, my soul and I have gotten to the point were I am suicidal because of this.


I am sitting here in my office, looking at my life and thinking if I knew what I knew now about the PhD live I wouldn't have chosen to quit my job for this miserable life. Now don't get me wrong, its not the project, I am currently writing two papers. I don't find the project difficult, I have all these ideas and I enjoy trying them out and seeing them come to life. However, my year and half here has made me realize that whilst when I was undergraduate, my grades depended on the hard work I put into reading my work, a PhD life works different. You maybe the most intelligent and genius researcher however if your supervisor is rude, not helpful and is very difficult, the likelihood of you passing your PhD is zero. I mean my work should speak for itself, however if your supervisor doesn't have your best interest at heart, forget it. Now I find myself stuck with this stupid man, stupid is an understatement. He is rude, always puts me down, doesn't help me at all, always talks negative, I have never got one word of encouragement from him. On top of this my second supervisor is his buddy so its hard to even approach him for any help. Also people keep on telling me to swap supervisors, however the politics of swapping a supervisor are more complicated. I don't even know what to do. I am at my wits end. Its either I quit or stay with it until I am definitely sure of my decision. I never thought I would find myself in this position. This is the worst thing that I have ever gone thru. I am a hard worker, a first class student and I find this guy destroying my dreams and my spirit. I used to hear stories about horrible supervisors, to be honest I never believed them. Well know I believe with my whole heart. I am disappointed in myself, I am disappointed in this PhD life. I have been diagnosed with depression which my PhD life is causing, then he tells me you are not sick you are faking it. He is so heartless, cold hearted human being. I also found out you can not publish papers without your supervisor's approval, I mean this gets worse ey. And if he doesn't even want you to get a PhD he will advice the examiners to fail you. Can you imagine, unbelievable.

Please advise: thinking of quiting my phd

Hello everyone,

I wanted to write this to just see how everyone feels about quitting a phd program.
I am towards the end of my 1st year doing a phd in chemistry.
Lets say I have always wanted to do a phd, I even stopped my job to pursue it.
However it has turned out to be something that I dislike right from the start and this feeling has gotten worse over time and made even worse with my supervisor who always tells me I am stupid and doesnt support me at all.
I have come to the conclusion of accepting that for me to pursue my happiness I need to leave this phd and go back to my job which I did before.
On top of it I hate the topic of my phd, somehow before accepting this phd I read that you can go anyhow with your phd topic as you please as long you have a scholarship however that's not true, when the supervisor is set on a specific thing they is no flexibility in branching out. I honestly dont want to stay in academia when I finish my phd, it does not interest me at all.
So I have started applying for jobs and have a few interviews lined up, however I thought I should write this to see what everyone thinks.

I just feel trapped living here farway from my family, I feel like I left my six year relationship which was a very unhappy one before I started my phd to replace that with unhappiness from this phd.
I want to live my life to the fullest and not do it because everyone thinks its an amazing thing to do when they aint doing it.
I really enjoyed my masters and undergraduate, even when I was feeling down I always pushed through however that is not how I feel about my PhD at all. My heart has given up on this. I dont even want to go to the lab anymore.
I feel like am destined to be doing something else.

Thinking of Quiting my PhD

Hello everyone,

I wanted to write this to just see how everyone feels about quitting a phd program.
I am towards my 1st year doing a phd in chemistry.
Lets say I have always wanted to do a phd, I even stopped my job to pursue it.
However it has turned out to be something that I dislike right from the start and this feelings has gotten worse over time and made even worse with my supervisor who always tells me I am stupid and doesnt support me at all.
I have come to the conclusion of accepting that for me to pursue my happiness I need to leave this phd and go back to my job which I did before.
On top of it I hate the topic of my phd, some how before accepting this phd I read that you can go any how with your phd topic as you please as long you have a scholarship however that's not true, when the supervisor is set on a specific thing they is no flexibility in branching out. I honestly dont want to stay in academia when I finish my phd, it does not interest me at all.
So I have started applying for jobs and have a few interviews lined up, however I thought I should right this to see what everyone thinks.

I just feel trapped living here farway from my family, I feel like I left my six year relationship which was a very unhappy one before I started my phd to replace that with unhappiness from this phd.
I want to live my life to the fullest and not do it because everyone thinks its an amazing thing to do when they aint doing it.
I really enjoyed my masters and undergraduate, even when I was feeling down I always pushed through however that is not how I feel about my PhD at all. My heart has given up on this. I dont even want to go to the lab anymore.
I feel like am destined to be doing something else.