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is it worth the tears?

i have had alot of issues with supervision - its only worth the tears if something good comes out of it. someone in your department should be able to help. Believe me - i understand that it is not easy - it really isnt but do try to get help - make sure that you get what you want in that do you want another supervisor or do you just want this one to get better - beacuse when you do go and see someone - they willwant to make changes. Be prepared for a bumpy ride that will be worth it in the long run. I really hope yuor department is more accomodating than what mine is.

Writing Up and Depressed

i totally understand what you mean. I was talking to a prof abotu this. She said - it is totally normal because the PhD is a constant reflective process. But when you feel like that - try and think back to what you were going through and thinking when you made the decision that you did. There were reasons behind it and only you are able to defend it. Good luck with it - believe me I understand hwo you feel.

the imposter syndrome.....

ooooops sorry - guess i should have done a literature search before posting!! Good to know that its normal though!

the imposter syndrome.....

does this sound like you: http://www.impostorsyndrome.com/
I am so glad it has a name!!!

Arguments in the lab

headphones and work away - the only way to get through it is to work through it.

who is working tonight

I havent started anything yet! I was watching tele and then got hooked onto watching ugly betty and here i am. I have a plan of what I need to write which i wrote when i got in this evening. Am tempted to just take the evening off though and work tomorrow...

who is working tonight

I realllllllly dont want toooooo.

who is working tonight

who is going to spend this grand friday working? hands up..... meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

18 months in....what have you achieved?

apparently its normal to feel like this as others have said. I have wanted to quit alot. I am sick of writing. After my meeting on friday I am going to go away for the weekend - whether the outcome of the meeting is good or bad. Agrh.

18 months in....what have you achieved?

dont worry am in the same boat. I am writing up transfer thesis. Methodology section on questionnaire design is driving me crazy. I have only got pilot data but apparently have enough for the transfer. Have to show a draft of what I have found out and my future work for a next friday meeting. What joy. I dont know how much more I can take - although i have pilot data - i still dont know what i want to do - and i think its going to be a case fo staying up next thursday to write bullet pointed list. Oh i am going insane. Sorry for the rant.

What do PhD students wear?

no one cares what you wear!!! wear what you feel right in - its like a freakshow in my lab with people that have just come off the catwalk to people who wear the same clothes for 9days running. As long as you shower and dont smell - i am sure you will be fine!

date for viva - agh!

Sure you will be fab !

who is addicted to face book

woah - i only asked about facebook.........................

postdoc positions - how does it all happen?

hiya - am still in 15months into the phd. I have been thinking about postdoc positions and where i would like to go. I really like a department in the states that is totally in my field of study etc. With postdoc positions, do you have to wait to see if they have a vacancy or do you approach the head of department and tell them what you are doing etc? I know its early, its just that if i need to approach them then I should start networking early right?

who is addicted to face book

so erm...who is addicted to facebook?!