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minor corrections

======= Date Modified 01 Aug 2011 08:44:25 =======
I had my viva early July with the same outcome. When the report came through via post I was expecting it to be rather specific in terms of the extra paragraph to be included in the lit review, but it just states to add extra para on X, Y and Z. But what exactly do they want added about X, Y and Z?. All other corrections were single changes ie + changed to x, so all the others were self-explanatory. I have done what I think necessary for the extra para (a whole page in reality) but am awaiting for these to be checked. I guess it is now the summer hols so I have no idea when these will be looked at. I must admit to having the same question as to whether they will come back to me for further clarity or will they fail it if they don't like the extra 'para'? It feels so close to completing but still not there yet!!! I have sourced a bindery and just want it done now.

Help me please!

Fabulous news, many congratulations (up)

Feeling Terrible

Is your sup team approachable? I would discuss your experimental isses with your supervisors as it is hard to see what may be going wrong if you are so involved. An 'outside' set of eyes over the project could cast some new ideas of how to rectify the issues. Has anyone published something similar that could shed some light on what to do next? Additionally, you sup will need to know of your progress so that a plan can be made to try to get acheivements on time. Telling them in a few months means they and you won't have time to remedy the problems.

I think it is easy to compare yourself to everyone else in your department and hearing their 'successes' can make you feel more depressed. You need to step back from the comparisons, perhaps they speak well of their projects but beneath the surface they too are struggling. You must be acheiveing to have papers in progress, there are a lot of students who have not got that far...

Keep smiling and go and get some help!

Just for fun - stupid things you read in papers.

Not in the papers etc, but I brought a new book for my toddler so that when you counted the 'critters' on each page of the story, you counted 1, 2, 3, and 5. I thought surely this is an error?? I emailed the publisher and it seems that the latest version was reduced by a page by the editors but they didn't realise their mistake, oops :$ No wonder many children cannot count!!! At least they did send me a correct earlier version :p


Well done Dr Corinne, doesn't it feel amazing! Go out and enjoy yourself knowing that you can relax now (gift)

I just got a message form a thesis writing website: is it just me?

Oh I feel neglected as I haven't had one :p Mind you the financial cost is probably nothing compared to the emotional turmoil of writing my thesis, so I guess there is some advantage to buying your PhD lol. However, I would never have the satisfaction that it is all my work and the big feeling of personal acheivement. Now I have written mine up I would have to say that I could never do that as a career........would drive me crazy (oh and I have morals ! :p)

Help me please!

Good luck for tomorrow!!!

thank you

Gosh, that puts things in perspective doesn't it! Glad your friend is recovering with her family and friends around her. Well done to you for keeping some focus on your work, a very hard task.

Maternity Leave and Research jobs

I should also add that if you apply for jobs having just had a baby you do not need to add your children onto the application form. They have no legal right to ask and you do not have to disclose this. If at such time you are offered a position your legally entitled to request flexible working hours. As Ady has stated the laws are in place so that women with children are not discriminated against in employment. Obviously, your permanent option would be much more secure for your future plans but you have to take what you can get sometimes!

Deadline is this summer - let's do it together!

Yey, well done Pink!!! Hope you have set aside some time to relax and do something fun!

Maternity Leave and Research jobs

Hahaha Sneaks, you had me wondering.....!  Some jobs will pay SMP with additional company plans if you sign up to return to work. Alternatively, I would suggest that it is worth looking into maternity allowance that is paid if your earnings were lower or have been employed within the last 12 months (I think).  When I went on mat leave I was paid SMP. Then I quit my job after mat leave as I was pregnant again with twins with leave to start when I went back to work after DD1:$ As I was effectively unemployed but had been getting a salary within the last 12 months I qualified for MA (paid via the job centre).  So really a lot depend on what you earn, or have earned!

I would take a job if it comes up as you cannot say how long it may take to fall pregnant and keep it. There are lots of women who take months of trying to conceive and quite a number that miscarry too. It would not be wise to announce a pregnancy until 12 weeks (the safer time) which would be three months into employment.  You can work up until the due date as long as the necessary assessments have been done (ie working with hazardous conditions etc). Chances are you would not be the sole RA on a project but in any case the post could be advertised for maternity cover which allows you to go back again afterwards.

I also think it best not to try to plan these things or think too much about it, just take it as it comes!!

Deadline is this summer - let's do it together!

Ady, I feel your pain as waiting for the final sups comments is soul destroying!  Are they reading it, should I prompt them etc etc went through my mind at this time. At least you are getting the proofing done, it is amazing what errors are spotted still and how many tweaks can be done.  It is a reflective time too where the intensive work winds down a little so you are better able to be objective. However, there is always an overwhelming urge to chuck it out the window lol. You will very soon be submitted so just keep hold of that thought  (up)

PhD without supervisor

On my submission form I had to sign to say that my supervisor was aware of the thesis submission.  Each uni will be different though.

As for publications, it is usual that the supervisor is present as an author or that the uni is cited as a collaborating party to the research. With publications it will be down to the intellectual property rights on the work and as a student of a uni, the uni usually has some ownership.  That said PhD students do pass with no publications at viva but go on to publish later on. Your publications just demonstrate the quality of the work if in reputable journals.

I am not sure what you are questioning, ie your supervisors lack of input but you did state that you only wanted minimal assistance from them at the beginning.  Your sup may have a valid point about being an author (depending on IP) but I am not sure this would fail your PhD. A PhD needs to be through a university, and the establishment has a responsibility to provide a supervisor for guidance.  I am not aware that you can do it all alone regardless of how hard working! I think at this late stage you would find it difficult to change uni as it would appear that you are looking at submission very soon.

Deadline is this summer - let's do it together!

Printing out means submission is very near Pink Numbers, woohooo! Hope the printer is coping ;-)

Determined Daisy, you are progressing really well! It is quite an acheivement to get the thesis all written up. It is very encouraging to see such productivity on this thread (up)

What happens next?

Hi Kikuka, I am also in the same position in that I have addressed the minor corrections from my viva and have a printed (temp bound) copy with the uni.  I am under the impression that in my case the 'corrected' thesis will be forwarded to my internal examiner for them to review my corrections. I had to produce a document to show exactly what I have changed aswell.  I also have no idea how long this process may take. If the internal examiner is not satisfied with the changes I have made, will they correspond directly with me to make further amendments?  I am not sure either how I will be informed of the outcome. To be honest, this final part is the least documented process in the uni regulations!!!  Love to hear others comments too.