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Article request

Quote From potatoes:

Hi All,

Can anyone get access to the following article.

Wang, L. & Murnigham, K. (2011) On Greed. Academy of Management Annals Vol. 5, p279-316

Cheers potatoes

Sorry, I don't have access to 2011's issue....

Sotware for searching pdfs

If I understand correctly what you are asking, windows search might do the job for you....

At least this is what I am doing! Type a word in search and then search everything. Then search contents of files (or something like that)...
You should get a list of files that have the word you searched in them....

Question about statistical data

Quote From catalinbond:

As far as I know the biggest teaching unions are NUT (national union of teachers) and NASUWT (National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers).

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!

Question about statistical data

Quote From sneaks:

would the teaching unions be able to help?

How can I contact the unions? I mean, how can I search on google? Just "teachers' union"? (Sorry it may sound naive, but I am Greek and I don't know the terminology...) :p

I think they would be able to help......

Question about statistical data

Quote From catalinbond:

Would anyone who does a Postgraduate Certificate in Education to get their teaching qualification be classed as having a post graduate degree? this is probably a fairly high proprtion of teachers.

I believe they are classed as having PG degree....but their percentage is not that high...I found somewhere (I can't remember where, because it was not what I was looking for) that teachers in primary education with a certificate in education are 6.2% and head teachers are 11.6%, which I believe are quite low numbers

Question about statistical data

I managed to find some data about postgraduate degrees in general, but it's not what I wanted.....

I think I will try to modify what I want to write. Probably, I will say that given the fact that there is a growth in the numbers of people who study for a postgraduate degree, it seems that maybe there is a similar tendency among teachers.......

Question about statistical data

I am looking for stats about the number of teachers in UK holding postgraduate degrees.
I have googled it and did not find anything....
I have also searched OECD and eurostats with no luck....

Does anybody have any idea where to look for these data?

thanks a lot!

The One Goal Thread

Hello all!

Just got home from work.....I'm a bit tired, but I will manage (I have to)!!!

Last week I was in London where I had my supervisions...I got feedback for one of my chapters, and now I have to revise the said chapter and hand it in on Wednesday..... So, I have a long weekend ahead of me......

Goal for today: Revise 1 section of chapter

Qualitative diss. tense (help please!)

Well, I' ve been told by my sups to use whichever tense I like but to use only one throughout the thesis....

I prefer present tense.....so, my participants state, argue etc

How do I deal with this?

I can understand what you are all trying to say.....

I guess it's part of the writing up process....maybe the hardest part of it.....

How do I deal with this?

When I submit a chapter to my supervisors I do my best. So, when my sups give me feedback, I try to address their comments and most of the times I do this successfully.
But, mu sups have told me that this is not what I should be doing. Instead, they told me that I should also be making more changes. I should find where changes are needed...

And I wonder, how can I do that? How can I guess where changes are needed?

Does anybody else have to deal with such issues? What do you do?

Everything crossed for Sneaks


Or, as we say in Greece (and I will write it in Latin letters), Sincharitiria!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Everything crossed for Sneaks

Best of luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

another paper request....

Quote From moonblue:

I think it's freely accessible - if you put the title into google scholar, the first entry that comes up is a pdf document which doesn't work. But if you click on 'View as HTML' it works. This is the link: http://scholar.googleusercontent.com/scholar?q=cache:TeqGkwaIrr0J:scholar.google.com/+Breaking+Perceptions+of+%22Old+Boys%27+Networks%22:+Women+Leaders+Learning+to+Make+the+Most+of+Mentoring+Relationships&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5

If you can't get it let me know and I will copy it into a word document and email it to you. :)

Thank you!!!!

I really tried before asking.....
I don't know why I didn't find it..........

another paper request....

Thank you anyway!!!!!

Anybody else???