Overview of emmaki

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ageism, feeling old and dealing with not making a 'famous discovery' yet as a 23 year old phd student

Well, my job (which is connected to my first masters and has nothing to do with my reserach) involves a lot of P.R. In trying to do so, I have to explain what I do to people who don't know a thing about it. This has given me a lot of recognition, as many believe that I am a pioneer in this field. BUT I don't like the fact that I have to break my job into very very small pieces so that everyone understands it. It may have brought me "fame" and "recognition" and "media coverage", but it is not what I want.
One could say that oversimplifying was my choice. Well, it wasn't. It was a matter of understanding in order to achieve goals, and understanding could come only through this procedure, because as someone wisely said, people don't want to learn! They just want to believe that they have the necessary knowledge. That is why celebrities who "appear" to be brainless are so successful!
As far as the age is concerned... I am 31 and I don't feel old at all!!! I think it's how old your mind is, and mine is till very young!!!!

Finished!! It can be done!

Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! Well done!!! One more Dr in this forum!!!! There are many success stories that prove one thing: IT CAN BE DONE!!!!!!!!!

How important are 2nd supervisors?

Well, I meet with my second supervisor quite often. In fact whenever I meet my first. It is good to hear opinions from two people. Sometimes they contradict each other and it's interesting.

I'm a Dr now and it's a bit weird, very nice though!!

We (the rest of us) are going to be next!!!!!!!! (in 4 years time, I hope)

A Check with my co 1st yrs

Nooooooo......I didn't have the most productive year!!!!! I believe we all did as much as we could this year. We are all good researchers/students and we all progress at a different pace, but produce good quality of work! Good luck to all of you!!

A Check with my co 1st yrs

Well, I'd like to join the conversation! I enrolled in my PhD in August. Since then I had my registration, which included a formal research proposal. Also, I've done lots and lots  and loooot of reading (never imagined I would read so many things in less than a year!!!), written and given to my supervisors about 20000 words and have about 10000 more to give them. But the most enjoying things are those in May-June!!!! I have to write 2 presentations for conferences (one international, one student), do my pilot, transcribe 10 interviews in Greek and translate them in English, apply for a research permission in Greece, apply for an annual leave from my work (something like scholarship with funding) and write my 1st year report and (if I can make it) do my upgrade to PhD from MPhil!!!!!!!
Bear in mind I am studying part-time!!!!!!

Part time PhD - campus time

Well, I am doing my PhD part-time in London and I live in anothre country. I go to my uni every three months for a week (later on probably every 5-6 months) and meet with my supervisors. I have to attend just a few research seminars which can be combined with my meetings. Ohhh and the most important, although this year I am on paid leave from my full-time teaching post, next year I will have to go back again!!!!
I guess if you want something, you find a way to do it!!!!

Going for PhD later in life

Well, I am 31 and I am in my first year of a part time PhD!!! I don't think that I am too old!!!!!!8-)
As far as work is concerned ... I am a full time teacher in Greece. How do I do it? I have taken a year's leave (paid) from my job, so I can attend my meetings with my supervisors and I hope that I will get a second year off!
I guess my situation is a little different, as I didn't have to give up my career. But if I couldn't do it this way, I believe that I would have given up my job, as my PhD is something I always wanted....
Good luck;-)

Viva success... phew

More successful viva experiences!!!!!
I really hope that I will be in your place in some years!!!!


Well done!!!!! Congratulations!!!!!
Very useful comments!!! I hope that in 3 years (?) I will be posting about MY successful viva, too.......(up)(up)(up)(up)

I'm searching a sport master


It's snowing!!!!

Ohhhh! I am a little (OK a lot) jealous!!! I haven't seen any snow for a looooong time. By the way, I live in north Greece......

Anybody else out there doing it by distance?

I am in a similar position, too. I am doing my PhD in UK but I live in Greece, quite far away! And most importantly, I can't find any other postgraduate students in my town, so we could get motivated all together! Tooooooo bad!
I meet with my supervisors every 2-3 months, and we have 4 meetings each time. I believe that I work more when I am in the university, at least I get more tired, BUT moving there is not an option for me as I have a permanent full-time job, which I can't leave.
The good thing is that I have a very supportive family and very supportive friends, that keep encouraging me when I have my difficult moments.
I love my subject and I think that I can do it!!!!


I did an MA and an MBA before applying for a PhD. I applied to several universities and was accepted to all of them. I son't see why a second master will be a problem. At least for me it wasn't. They didn't even aske me why I did 2 masters!

Considering a Masters Course

Well, I did two masters in UK and I am from another country. For the first one my parents helped with the fees but the second one was all mine (I'm not sure that this is a correct expression!!!)
During the second one and now that I've started a PhD I'm working full-time as an Educational Assessor for children with special needs.
So, I think that if you want it it is doable