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MA Thesis Crisis

Hello All,

I really really need some advice. I am in my 2nd year of my 2-year MA. This summer, I was supposed to have completed my thesis, but I just couldn't, for a number of reasons; extreme stress, social isolation (I live in a foreign country with no family or close friends, so I had no real emotional support), problems of communication with my supervisor and slight lack of focus (which led me to having a 200+ list of sources at the end, for a 70-80 page paper-so I was totally lost in all those books/articles)...I am now faced with a 3-month extension...The problem is that I need tomake changes to my topic too (fortunately I can stay within the same topic) and then complete the paper...I have about 100 pages written by now, but unfortunately I wasted too much time in researching/writing things that at the end just don't work with my topic. My supervisor is not that helpful with this-she just points at more sources and she is not really understanding about the external factors that keep me unfocused. When I had discussed a possible extension with her, she made me feel really embarassed, threatening that she will drop me as she thinks I'm not working hard enough-and in my university, you can only change your supervisor in exceptional circumstances, pretty much you're expected to continue with the same supervisor for the total of 3 attempts you have to submit your thesis. I know that I need to make changes now, but I don't really want to put everything I have so far in the garbage... Does any of you have any experience with a similar situation? Would you say that I have real chances at turning things around in that time frame?