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The One Goal Thread
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I've just had a huge fight with my bf this morning and he's left for the day. Now my head is spinning and I'm really upset but the plan was to go into the office for the day. So I'm going to have a cup of tea, some chocolate and then try to motivate myself to go into the office.

Goal 1 - get to the office before 12.30

No motivation to work today :(
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Sounds lovely Sneaks!!

That'll be my treat (and the dog's) when I get home. 1.5 hours down, 2.5 to go!

I agree with Sneaks Orgriv have some fun with the boy :-x

The One Goal Thread
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thanks Teek and Algae.

Although it sounds pathetic - goal 1 achieved - made it to the office

Now for goal 2 find out if I really do need to include 2 extra measurements in the experiment

The One Goal Thread
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I'm aiming to drag myself into the office for 4 hours today - I know it sounds measly but I'm finding it really difficult to leave the house lately. As a result work is suffering alot.
Anyway goal 1. make it to the office

The One Goal Thread
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Made it into the office

Now goal one - assign quotes to equipment list and refine

The One Goal Thread
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I'm having a terrible morning and thus far have done absolutely nothing.

My goal - make it into the office before lunchtime :-(

Best Dressed
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Aw cheers for the nomination Sneaks! It appears Satchi and I shop in the same places :p

Your outfit has its merits too - what a hat! (robin)

The One Goal Thread
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Well the step-by-step instructions took much longer than I though but have made them just about as detailed as I can at the moment until I can see the lab guy to check what equipment is avaiable for me to use.

Today was woefully unproductive, as have the last four weeks been and I feel terribly guilty, ashamed and like I am not cut out for this PhD thing at all. I don't know how to get out of this spiral.

Sorry for the rant and for bringing the tone of the thread down. Well done to everyone who has made some progress today. (up)

I am going to work for one more hour to make a list of equipment which I haven't yet told my sup I need if we are to carry out the experiments we said that we would.

Views on drinking whilst writing!
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Hi Doctor?

I don't have much personal experience with the practise but a friend of mine who recently passed his viva swore by a couple of glasses of whiskey a night to help him focus.

It seems like a dubious habit to encourage but each to their own :p

what shall I cook for dinner??
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Bangers and mash sounds yummy sneaks (up)

For me tonight I reckon it's a vending machine sandwich :-(

The One Goal Thread
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Complete writing 1st step-by-step procedure for 1st experiment (which I'm still trying desperately to get all the equipment for)

Asking for a favor to fill in my Master Thesis survey
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Filled one in for you Edwin.

Procrastination at its best!

Passed viva - wahoo!
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Fantastic new Bilbo!! Hearty congratulations on such a major achievement (up)

If you haven't backed up your files recently, do so NOW
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Hi everyone

My hard drive got corrupted today so all information on it is essentially gone. Luckily, I had backed all my files up in the last few days so it was a much smaller disaster than it potentially could have been. I have no access to a computer for the next week or so until the replacement hard disk arrives and my lovely boyfriend gets all technical and fixes things :-x
But aside from that, no harm done.
I just want to remind everyone to back up frequently and in several places as these things happen (a lot!!).

Ev x

Thesis Handed In
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======= Date Modified 11 Mar 2010 20:46:28 =======
Well done Liminalplace (up)(up)(up)(up)(up)(up)

That's a major achievement - even if it's not perfect (in your eyes), it's a completed thesis!!!! That's one huge step closer to you being Dr Liminalplace :-):-):-):-):-)

Congrats 8-)