Marketing Communications or Marketing Management


I am currently working in Public Relations field. I have received offers of both MA course at Westminster University: Marketing Communications and Marketing Management. Should I go with Communications which is specific and benefits my current job or Marketing Management more general. I really appreciate if anyone give me some advice about it


Hey hoalaken!
If you're happy with your job and intend to stay in that field i would advise you to go for Marketing communications. As a matter of fact, im thinking about the same course (not at Westminster). However, im have no work experience apart from teaching (since im a primary school teacher seeking to change my career) so i would like to get your opinion on how difficult could it be to switch froom school to business? I do have a certain fear when thinking about it. Is it reasonable? Thank you in advance.


Thanks Shilla for your reply, I think You could switch from school to business. However, it's much better if you study something related to your existing knowledge. Why don't you try Educational Management?

Just share with you: I have agreed the MA Marketing Communications course at Westminster starting this September. It's certain that I can be best benefitcial. As I hope to have my own business in Communication field in future.
