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Is there anyone studying at Westminster Business School?


Welcome you to Westminster, yes Public Relations is located at Harrow campus. Firstly I am also interested in that course and then I changed it to Marketing Communications,
By the way, Are you at MA course, where are you come from?

Our cross may pass


Is there anyone studying at Westminster Business School?

Hello everybody,

I am going to attend th MA Marketing Communications at Westminster this Sep. Hope to hear someone around


Marketing Communications or Marketing Management

Thanks Shilla for your reply, I think You could switch from school to business. However, it's much better if you study something related to your existing knowledge. Why don't you try Educational Management?

Just share with you: I have agreed the MA Marketing Communications course at Westminster starting this September. It's certain that I can be best benefitcial. As I hope to have my own business in Communication field in future.


What UK univ for Masters in Int'l Marketing/Communications??

Hey guy,

You can try Westminster, Greenwich and Middlesex. They all have Marketing Communications. It seems to me, the course at Westminster is very interesting. I have received this course in this September.
Let's try, our parth may across!
Good luck!