Motivational Letter


I am applying for a scholarship at Victoria University of Wellington. The guidance for composition of the application letter reads:
"A motivational statement of no more than 500 words, highlighting extra-curricular achievements, 
interest in internationalisation, motivation, why they want to come to Victoria and future goals".
I am from Brazil, and universities here don't usually require application letters (either for positions or scholarships), so I have no experience in the matter. I would appreciate to receive any comments on my draft. Here is a link to it:
Thank you in advance for your effort.


If I wasn't so busy this week I would happily comment on this. Anyone else?


I have put some comments on it. I hope they're useful. All the best : )

Cool idea by the way - I didn't know one could share on google docs and have people comment in this way.

Ps. I am "annonymous" at around 8:00pm.



I read it. didn't have any notes, except to say I thought it was well written and interesting. I liked the fact that it wasn't generic and was very personal. It also demonstrated your passion and interest. I thought it was good.