Any good book?


I last read "I know my first name is Steven". It's a real crime book about a 7 year old boy! I definitely suggest it although it will make you cry a lot... I also suggest it to all the ladies here who are mothers.


Alternatively: The murderer next door: why the mind is designed to kill. By Buss. Absolutely amazing! Evolutionary theory explaining human violence!


I'm reading the weirdest book ever atm. Its Olive Schreiner's "An African Farm". Its a classic, but very weird, not sure I'd recommend it.

One book I love is Letters from a Lost Generation, its the war letters between Vera Britten, her fiance, brother and two other friends. Its amazing, but very sad


I have been reading Carson McCullers' "The Heart is a Lonely Hunter" - I really didn't want this book to ever end! I felt like I'd become part of the characters lives and it was sad to have to leave after a few hundred pages. Shock ending too.


Has anyone read Eragon?

The film is out next friday, quite wait. I love dragon films!


I have just finished Saving Fish from Drowning by Amy Tan, about some American tourists who go missing in Burma. Its a slight departure from her other stuff, but excellent all the same.

I read Lovely Bones a few years ago on holiday, and I remember it made me tearful.


Harry Potter (if you haven't read it already)


When's the next Harry Potter due, does anyone know?

I was in Paris for a few days when I was reading it, and I knew my bessie mate was also reading it at the same time back in the UK. We like to time our reading when a new one comes out, so we don't do spoilers. I actually phoned her up and said 'can you believe it' because I was so aghast about Snape & Dumbledore in the last one.


I was disappointed with the last HP, hope the final book is better.

Shame they have to prolong things for fame and money