Anyone else got a runny nose?


We have plenty of anti-histamines in the house as my bloke is always taking it. However I have never needed to take them before and don't even suffer from hayfever....very odd!


H, you may want to try the antihistamines. I had never had allergies until last summer (at the age of 30) when I suddenly was sneezing and eye-watering all summer long. Boots antihistamines did the trick; doc says hay fever etc can start at any age. Or it may be a dust/clothes fibre allergy (so I was told).


Even if its not an allergy the anti-histimines should help dry up a runny nose. Apparently whatever the cause AH will do the job. You know when cold remedys say not to drive thats usually because of an AH in them to dry up runny hooters!!!