Diet-exercise-health pacts thread

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I've checked on 5 or 6 websites now, even when they say 'very very light cycling on flat' its still about 200 kcals in half an hour! and I do a up/down program where the resistence goes up and down for 30 mins, so like climbing mini hills (apart from you never get to go WHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee on the way down :-( )


Lol lol lol, I'm sooooo getting neon yellow shorts!!! Fantastic idea :-) And lol at the biscuits, I don't have any in the house much to the annoyance of the kids to avoid that situation, but I did make flapjacks and mini banana cakes with my daughter at the weekend and am trying to hard to avoid them - however, they are, according the recipe book, great sources of all sorts of wonderful things so the sugar, syrup, butter etc just don't count - they are cancelled out by the banana :-)

Go Sneaks!!!! That does sound incredibly low! I can't believe for a second that 30 mins of riding uphill and then having to ride down the hill as well (so with you on the wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) could amount to just over 100 calories, that's rubbish! I've read all sorts of stuff on this equipment thing - some say they over-estimate the calories, others that they under-estimate them - but 30 mins of cycling is going to be way more than that! I went out for a brisk walk yesterday (run day today - shudder) and in 24 mins walking 2.5k at 6kph on average worked off over 200 calories according to my phone thingy that maps the route and the incline and stuff so you're well over that with cycling over 8k!

Sigh, better get back to writing - have a deadline in 2 weeks and I'm half way through the intro... - later this afternoon I do a 35 minute run - 5 reps of run 5 mins walk 1 min plus 5 min warm up walk - so dreading it - 5 mins is such a horribly long time to run for - only been doing this 7 weeks and it kills lol - but the Race for Life is looming and I'm absolutely determined to run the 5k, plus it seems to help with the old PhD blues a bit and after having sat here for hours on end typing it certainly blows away the cobwebs :-) I just wish it didn't hurt so much lmao!


Quote From sneaks:

I've eaten a small bowl of cinnamon cereal mmmm - but in my defense, it was the last of the packet so onto boring cereal tomorrow :-(

Were they Cinnamon Grahams (or whatever they're called now)? I only ask because I bought a pack the other week due to walking past them in the shop and remembering them from when I was a child.

I could not believe how sugary they are! I lurve cinnamon, but bloody hell it's meant to be a cereal!

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yes slizor - they are my favourite cereal - wildly overpriced and very addictive. I can't really taste the sugar anymore - I have that much in my sytem!

Unfortunately I always have cinamon in the house and sugar, so even if I don't buy chocolate etc. my sneaky devil brain decides that I can make my own cinnamon toast snack :$

Anyway, I've had a 48kcla Latte and I've made it to 11 without scoffing food, but definitely hungry. Going to have a snack - possible a pack of mini chedders and then get back to work for a 1pm lunch!

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I've done 33 mins on my bike, apparently 8.75KM and 145 Kcals. I then went for a short 20 min dog walk because its raining and my dog decided to flush a bird out of a hedge, and as it flew out past her, she flipped round and killed it (turkey) - so that's animal number 4 that my pets have dispatched this week (to my knowledge) and it put me off walking her for much longer.

I've decided to build up my time on the bike to 50 mins, do that for a week or so and then go back to 30 mins but on a harder resistence.


oh your animals sound fun sneaks! Except for the poor birds though, but at least they aren't so housetrained they are afraid of rustling leaves (I have seen a dog like this...)!

Last night I went to the gym, did an hour in total, 30 mins my longest time ever on the treadmill and some on the rowing machine and cross trainer! Got to a grand total of just over 300kcal, so that's worked off the chomp bar and some of the ginger nut biscuits I also had yesterday! oops! Today I have circuits at lunch and dancing this evening, if I'm still standing by then!

I also had a look at the slimming world page, the 7 day meal plan they have looks amazing! Absolutely tons of food there, and all stuff I like and would be quite happy to eat! So I think I'll take a trip to the supermarket this weekend and get in all that I need, I'm going to try this for a few weeks and see how it goes! I'll see my boyfriend in about 2-3 weeks so would be nice to be looking all amazing for then! Good going on the bike sneaks, check us out getting all fit!

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I'm trying the Hays diet, ie food combining in a bid to cleanse my system of birthday excesses (before starting all over again tomorrow night, and an all dayer on saturday, by which point I'm sure my stomach wil be utterly confused)). I totally get why people lose weight doing this: Because I had protein for tea, I can't have any carbs until tomorrow lunch time, and as it's after 8pm I can only eat vegetables, and I really don't think I can look at another carrot, so I'm just going to go to bed and look forward to the apples etc I have for breakfast. I'm a bit worried about what will happen if my system starts letting go of all the rubbish I've belted into it these last 41 years, so perhaps the alcoholic pit stops are a good idea, they may hault any strangeness.

I'll let you know how it goes.

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I have now, officially, given up the hay diet, and am munching some muesli with soya milk... I read on wki that it's been disproven, so there we are.

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ha! Brilliant Eska!

I haven't done my bike today, mainly because I'm in a 'meh' mood and waiting for amazon to come and deliver stuff and didn't want to be caught all bright red :$ from the exercise.

Am stressing about what to wear tomorrow! I have no money and no clothes to wear out. Hubby keeps on suggesting his old football shirt but NO!