Newbie says hi (waves shyly)


Hello all,
I've been doing my PhD now for about 4 months and have just started posting in the post grad forum but thought I'd say hi here. I am in the school of sociology/social policy on a CASE studentship with the ESRC.
I am a non traditional student with a hubby and kids and work mainly from home so feel very isolated a lot of the time. The PhD isnt quite what I expected and so far hasnt been as enjoyable as I thought but I am determined to see it through.
Hobbies errr reading, music (seeing Keane in a couple of weeks), gardening, bell ringing not much time for anything else
Interesting facts about me........none actually...well I met Phil Whyman and richard felix the day my BA results came out, thats as glamourous as it gets.
Hope you'll accept me into your community.
lol Dazed


Hi and Welcome Dazed! I'm feelin the loneliness thing (also do half my work at home) - this forum is welcome light relief, source of support (and regular work avoidance) for all


Hello and welcome, love the name


Welcome from me as well No need to be shy we wont bite, I promise




hello and welcome


I take it you like most haunted?




ooh did someone mention most haunted


Hello & welcome.


Thankyou for your hellos!!!!!
I used to be into Most Haunted when the lovely Phill was on board but havnt watched it for ages, have done a couple of ghost hunts though which have been fun.
Good to know I have some back up to walk the next three years with me...cheers guys,


As another Most Haunted fan you're more than welcome... Damm Richard Felix, he has my ideal job, paid to study History and to go on Ghost hunts, lucky b*$&%rd!


When I met Mr Felix he confessed that historian was purely a title given to him by the TV company and that he has no formal qualification in this area. He is a gentleman and very kindly gave us an impromptu tour of derby gaol with Phil Whyman and Ian Lawman...I can guarentee the place is haunted...and I am a semi-sceptic!!! I got piccies and autographs sad monkey that I be honest the degree result just paled into insignificance......may dig out a MH dvd this evening for old times sake.....


I love most haunted and think its terrible that Richard Felix has left the show. I can't see the point in it without him and Derek Acorah. My mum met Derek at a book signing, I couldn't go coz I was in uni but she got the book signed for me.


I was watching most haunted on one of those rare occasions, and through the night vision, you could see through dereks white trousers and that he was wearing a pink thong. I was unfortunately watching this with my daddy. Never again. Plus I think he's a bit cuckoo.