Newbie says hi (waves shyly)


eeeek scary, scary image... Derek in thong, think I may be traumatized! Mum loves the programme and used to think Derek was great, went off him in the later series tho as thought he was OTT. Cant believe that not only did Felix have my dream job, grrr, but he's not even qualified .... double grrrr!


Your dream job? Ach come oooooon


Hey paid to fill my thirst for history, potter around historic buildings and go on ghost hunts! If all else fails I'd take it! Beats marking undergrad essays, which suffer from a lack of punctuation and paragraphs I'll tell you that!


You're not one of those that watch time team are you?


LOL, no not a fan so afraid to break your sterotype! Largely though I'm all in favour of most things that will encourage interest in history. Time team I'm actually a little critical of as it propably does mor damage to the resource in the long term. Mum however loves it!


Nah I wasnt sterotyping. I wish I knew more about history. I don't thin our school taught it well, so I didnt enjoy it back then. Nowadays they teach cool things like th history of medicine etc. I would have loved that. Shame. when I have kids they are so going to a good school. I'll check the curriculum if I have to!


(puts hand up in shame) I confess I love time team but do agree that its not the best way to go about a dig with a whooping big digger!
I will slink away now back to my qwyzzle puzzle...I mean critical review


Hehe its not that bad that you like it! Its cute! I want a geeky guy who watches lots of star wars and time team.


Oh no I like star trek (although it is generations with sexyful Patrick Stewart)...I've never thought of myself as geeky...maybe a bit nerdy I spose...what the heck does my hubby see in me???


Yeah he is quite yummy!


roopa! Have you been munching on dazed's hubby again? You just put him down...


Eh?! I wasn't seriously taking the mick out of people who watch time team! I'm confused.


dazed: ...what the heck does my hubby see in me???
roopa: ...Yeah he is quite yummy!

Got you!


I was yummying patrick stewart


Feel free to yummy my hubby...he is gorgeous and scrummy!!! (But Patrick Stewart is a close second!!!)