night time version of 'elevensies and high tea'


I know someday you'll have a beautiful life
I know you'll be a star
In somebody else's sky
But why
Why can't it be
Why can't it be mine?


Look, I said it was OK to be random (my last post seems to have frightened everyone off - THEY ARE LYRICS by the great Eddie Vedder, whom I was discussing with piglet just yesterday)

Now, don't be scared... join in!


I can't join in, I don't know any more of his songs


don't be sad - give an insight. what moves YOU...?


Cars, my bicycle, the wind...they all move me (from A to B)

Sorry. Appalling joke.


i'm sorry to hear you have wind (but not sorry that this exchange is 'virtual', that being the case...)

i think mine's worse than yours


Yeah, that's pretty bad (the joke, not the wind).


The Christmas tree I wish I was the star that went on top.


I wish I was a neutron bomb, for once I could go off.

hi piglet


I wish I was the radio song, the one that you turned up.

Hi insomniac!


I wish, I wish, I wish, I wish,
I guess it never stops.

hehe - so true! (He's never wrong)

you chose one of my favourites tonite


Wishlist would be my favourite. Short and simple .

I used to be crustacean
In an underwater nation
And I surf in celebration
Of a billion adaptations.


I scream in affirmation
Of connecting dislocations
And exceeding limitations
By achieving levitation.

I forgot about that one!

Can you see any out of your window? (Big Waves, that is)


No waves from where I sit. About 15km from the coast, in the middle of suburbia here. If it wasn't dark, could you see waves?


maybe trees waving at me in the wind. my desk overlooks my (tiny but perfectly formed) garden, but i live in a rural(ish) place. lots of fields, river, canal... i would love to live by the sea - it takes me about 45mins-1hr to get ot the nearest stretch that i enjoy walking on. it's called Formby and has wonderful dunes and woodland.