The Apprentice Last Night


What did you think about Michael's forced exit tonight? I'm really confused and don't know what qualities Sir Sugar is really looking for. How much did Helen earn in her previous job? Who is going to win the show? And, is Alex really two-faced or is he really a capable guy and my instinct was wrong? So many questions...


I am delighted Michael is gone, I thought he should've gone ages ago! I think Helene is a bit useless too though, maybe he should've fired both? I also think Lucinda was useless last night... So I reckon it is between Alex, Lee and Claire to win it. The guy that was the project leader was better in my opinion, Lee I think his name is? So I reckon either him or Claire...


ha! finally michael is gone. i want to see that, will watch it tonight on bbc iplayer.

probably surallan doesn't know what he is looking for himself. i mean, apart from real top-level staff, he's probably not employed anyone in ages. he's got HR for that. usually, by the time candidates reach the "final" interview, they've been vetted for all necessary qualifications and personality characteristics. the final interview is really just about finding out if you "click" with each other. but of course in this case, the candidates weren't selected strictly according to their qualifications, but mostly according to which of them, bundled together in a house, would make the most amusing TV show.
so, in fact, i believe surallan is not "hiring&firing" according to qualifications, but rather: he fires whoever he dislikes most. the person who he dislikes least will get the job. simple as that...
who will win? i have a hunch that it will be lee.


i get the feeling Sir Allen will give michael a call and employ him in private - out of the camera's eye. he really liked him. wait and see.


The candidates seem to get less likable each year.


i hated the way Lee treated Lucinda yesterday and for that reason, he should not win the Apprentice. he's a mean guy. has no 'class' at all. how is he gonna fit in with the Sir Allen's company? he looks down on Lucinda. i personally would never want to work with such a person.


ah ah! i definitely need to watch the episode tonight!

my favourite contender so far has been lucinda, but i doubt she'll win.


You're right, Lucinda didn't!


I can't stand any of the last four. Claire: nasty and supercilious. Helene: nasty. Lee and Alex: who? Especially Alex: a big fat non-entity.


It is a television show remember. They are people who have ulterior motives and very little integrity. I wouldn't like to work with them.


i used to like lee. and having little education and all, i thought he was the underdog, and i'm always for the underdog... but now it turns out he can't spell and can't be bothered to use a spell-checker... and can't be bothered to verify exactly what he puts into a CV anyway. so i've discovered my elitist streak - no way would i employ lee!

after lucinda saying that "two years ago she decided it was best to severe ties to her family" i've lost a lot of sympathy for her, too. fine, there might be good reasons for distancing herself from her family. but going on TV and telling everyone about it appears petty, and sensationalist.


alex might do well on the job - he can still be shaped into whatever is needed, and that's obviously the trump he's betting on. but that's just about his only point in favour. i'm amazed at how level-headed helene has staid; thus i think she could do well, too. but both of them are rather boring. claire is unpredictable, bitchy at times, but then, she also livens things up.
for my own company, i think i'd employ helene (out of the four).


oh no, i've missed the entire series! damn the phd thesis lol

sounds like it was a good one too! i just caught the last 10 minutes, of the recap they just had, on who was fired, i just caught the bit, when (i dont know her name) said she didn't know what Kosher was (lol!!) that was so funny when Sir Alan, said, you've never heard of the term Kosher???? and she honestly didn't!

i once met Ghazal from the last series at a BBQ, she was really nice actually. But it was funny seeing everyone surrounding her, and wanting to become her friend.


What can I say? Surprised at the outcome. I really thought that Claire had it. Still don't mind the winner because at least it wasn't that Raef chap.


Was suprised as I also thought Claire would win but glad it was Lee rather than "I'm only 24" Alex or boring "me to death" Helene.