Which username on this forum do you like the most?


I may have put a bit more thought into my name had I known I would still be posting months later. I think I thought it would be one of those sites you sign up to for a day then forget all about and never go back to again. Oops. Have to say I love fluffymonster and pineapple.


Along this theme.. if you had to choose a username related to your research what would it be? Mine would prob be something like chickenman or bacteriaboy lol


I think 'The coastman' is the forum's answer to Mr Darcy, always wading out of ponds in wet breeches and thundering about on black arab mares ( oo err ).



tricky, mine would be Wunschkind or similar.

i like 404 very much - this is by far the friendliest 404 i've ever encountered, usually you only meet 404s when something doesn't work


lol shani, and

I agree with you pea (don't worry Piglet, we are just sending our compliments to coastman, that's all)


Oh pea, that is a wonderful image! Yes! I can see the thin white undershirt clinging to his masculine chest as he emerges from the water...and strides towards me with confidence...I must stop, I am going to get carried away.


no comment re coastman.

I'm still looking for a new username though.....



That is a bit mean, H. If you know Coastman outside of this forum and you know what he looks like, that comment is mean. If you don't know him apart from on here, your comment is still mean. What is wrong with Coastman???


Er... OK perhaps a change in the conversation subject please...


No comment meaning, I don't have anything to say about that particular topic, not because I think he is ugly because I dont at all but because I do have an idea what he looks like so I cant imagine him as anything else.


Fair enough.

I still choose to pretend he looks distinctly like Colin Firth circa 1995. Oh bugger it, if I am going to do that, I also choose to pretend I look distinctly like Scarlett Johansson.


'Nu' H, or perhaps nouveux H?


tricky: 'naughtykids'