Having a Baby


Hey Susmo...I guess this is what worries me. How old was your friend when she had her children? I will be 25 when I finish my PhD, which I think is a good age for me. What a dilemma!


Bobby, thats still really young! I will be 28 when I finish, a bit too close to 30 for my liking as I have always wanted at least one by the time I was 30.


Morning H - yeah I know its still pretty young, but my partner is quite a lot older than me, which I think makes quite a bit of difference!


My boyfriend is 2 years older than me but wants kids later than me, my family menopauses young so I'm too scared to wait very long!


yeah, but mine is 39!!


Mine is a year older but hes not in any rush!


Maybe postgrad stress is contributing to my baby fever. Don't you sometimes think, sod it, I'm going to go home and have babies instead?!


Yes, when my friends ask me what I'm gonna do after the phd, I always say, become a housewife and baby machine.


I don't think I would want five but my birth chart said something about 3 kids so who knows.

Also, at 44, I would hope the kids are over 10 years old, I can't be doing with pregnancy at that age, would be hoping to get further up in industry to manager positions.


You could name your own baby HangSeng?


If I ever have a baby I will name it HangSeng


No- I'd call the child Dan or Daniella


Dan - B ecause I think it is a beautifull name. Daniella- Because there are always more girls born in our family than boys. Or I could call a girl Artemis after the protein I'm working on. Godess of hunt and child birth.

Good thing I'm not working on Cernunnos- celtic god (also known as haerne) that was turned into the devil (he has stag horns) by christianity. Or Xrcc1- then the baby would really be in trouble... na, better stick with Dan


... wouldn't that come across as a bit self centred?