Lara's Writing Up Diary - inspired by Jojo


ugh i am getting bored of doing this summary outline of my whole 1st draft



What brilliant advice and links about the viva! Your posts are so helpful to all of us. As for the viva, try not to worry about it yet, i was doing the same yesterday. I think although we are concentrating on getting the thesis written i guess it is in the back of our minds!!! Anyway don't worry too much about it at the minute. As for the summary, keep plodding along with it, you are doing so well and are nearly there! Just think how good it will feel to get this in to your supervisors!! As for me, i've managed about an hour and a half of writing!! A bit rubbish but at least it is a start.


This forum though is so good for helping keep up the motivation. I will check in again at 11.30 to post my progress!! It really helps to not feel so isolated and that others are also writing. We can get there!!!!! Bit by Bit (BBB)!!!!!!!!!!!


Well, i'm getting there slowly, am a bit tired now but going to have a drink and then plough on. Tackling the discussion of chapter 3 but might see how i go and if i am still tired. might do something a little less taxing like the abbreviations page instead!!!!!



Am really tired now and just finished so going to bed. Hope everyone had a good day and that everyone has a great weekend lol


tractorgirl, thanks for the messages!! always nice to read something in my diary from other forum members

aww thanks for the kind words with regards to the posts about the links and advice that makes me happy

you're absolutely right, i should worry about the viva later!

thanks for the encouragement regarding the summary. you're right. just need to get it done, and then get the feedback and meeting. although i am SO not looking forward to meeting them as they seem really annoyed with me at the moment! with the barrage of negative emails they are sending.

i know the nature of emails, makes people think the isnt a real human being on the recieving end.. some psychological cause of it. the detachment - cant remember the theory behind it.

hour and half of writing is super!! seriously. as joan bolker states no one can write for more than an hour or two without needing a break


but when i finally do have to meet with them, havent seen them for like 6 months. but will try to be professional and stick to the point and if they get personal, just be totally detached.

i am even thinking of using my mobile phone voice recorder to record the meeting. not so much as a way of recording the meeting, but to keep it professional. they might be less likely to attack me if they know i am recording it. dont know how they will respond to that. cant afford a proper dicatophone at the moment, so will just use my mobile phone, can record for an hour. its pretty good.

will go into the meeting, prepare an agenda. like the advice for the viva states, go in there confident, and prepare yourself as if you're a lawyer.


well done tractor girl for ploughing through and getting it done! that is so great!!!


Wow, Lala, I'm really impressed by how much progress you've made. Not only with your actual thesis, but how you're handling situations - a few weeks ago you might have let the feedback from your supervisor get to you, but look how strong and together you are now - you're immediately making plans for what to do next.

For what it's worth, I do think it'd be good to see your supervisors sooner rather than later. The viva prep does sound scary, but you'll be surprised at how much you've been soaking up as you go along.

Hope the summary is going well.


Ooops - typo. Meant 'Lara'. Sorry for getting your name wrong.


Thanks HazyJane! I really appreciate that.

well to be honest, my first reaction, was not as productive as stated in this diary. but just getting "used" to it now i suppose, still angry on the inside though

but logically i know they are only saying those things to "help" me.

yah you're right its better to meet them now then later, because will be more stressful later down the line. i'm just really really dreading it!
but gotta face to fear so to speak.

yah i feel like right now, i wont have any answers to their viva questions. but will make a note of the questions so that i can keep them in mind for the actual viva. and answer them in my own time.

at least its an open book exam lol. i've read that you're allowed to refer to your thesis and you're not expected to know every minute detail, you can have it tagged etc, at key points. obviously you're meant to know the fundamentals.


thanks for the kind words and encouragment though, really appreciate that!

i am stressed though. i have this dread and fear that i simply don't have enough time to get my thesis written. i'm having trouble sleeping. i keep thinking, im running out of time and there is so much to do. and i have to leave at least 2 weeks before my deadline for printing and binding. and i dont know where i can get my thesis printed, or i dont know where i can get it bound. and then i stress what if my thesis isnt completed by the time i have to get it printed and bound

i'm just afraid that i dont have enough time to get it all done.


"but you'll be surprised at how much you've been soaking up as you go along.
" i hope so ! that makes me feel better


Hi Lara,

You are so right, and i know it is scary but going through viva prep will really help in the long run. I am going to have to do through a similar thing. I don't feel i know much either but i guess it is better to go through stuff and have a practice run before the real thing!! Hopefully this will help us. As for the binding/printing etc try not to worry. Are there any people in your department who have recently bound their thesis? If so maybe they could advise on binding etc. Where are you based? I have an email from work listing potential binders in the Berkshire area and could forward this on if it is of any help?


If not, i'm sure other people on this forum may have suggestions or even ask your supervisors etc or university? Either way, don't you worry about this part as just think, it will be brilliant to get to this stage as all the real stress/blood/sweat/tears will be behind you!! Anyway good luck today, and have a great weekend