Misunderstandings between PhDs and civilians No.564


The parentals do always ask 'how's the course going?'

I have tried to explain that it isn't a course as such *sigh*

I give in, and I'll let me thesis (should I make it to the end) speak for itself when I dump it on the coffee table.


I even read the whole bacon thing and subscribed to the NYT email update!


Works both way though doesn't it. People ask me if I'm missing lectures and studying hard... but mym asks if I'm allowed to wear jeans to work and how long I get for lunch


Sylvester -An analysis of the forces required to drag sheep over various surfaces. Applied Ergonomics, 33, p523-531

Does that research really exist?


My mum asks me "have you finished all your work yet?" (I'm only halfway through)


Where have you been H? I thought I haven't seen you for a while here, so I searched your name. But it's too short for username search, so it didn't show your last post.


Rutherford - I thankyou for using the word "apoplectic" i think it is my favourite word.

I was chatting to one of the secretaries at uni on the way out, we both yawned and started chatting about being tired, after comparing times we get up (both 7am) she said well its harder when you are doing a real job!!! I was spitting feathers. She wasn't even joking either. I did explain that I have worked in the NHS for 5 years previously and that I was actually quite familiar with hard work, OH the cheeky biatch.


awww I'm glad someone missed me 404!

Just been really busy, hardly had a minute to breathe over the bank holiday weekend and then been working hard all week!


I agree totally. My parents just don't understand what research actually is. My dad constantly asks me 'is everything going to schedule' and when I say no, because I've had a set back or hit a block, he ask's why not, didnt you follow the protocol? and how long will it take to get back on track?, a day? a few days?


good to see you H I hope the work is going well. (sorry to hijack your thread Rutherford)


Cryogenics. Indeed, the said paper does exist and is a serious piece of research (I kid you not). It even comes with a several diagrams of men dragging sheep over different surfaces. I think it's available on ScienceDirect.


Why on earth does it make you 'apoplectic with rage'? Surely there's greater injustices in the world?
(PS 'Apoplectic' IS a fab word though)


I think it winds me up so much because I know that they will never understand ways of an academic. Especially if I am wound up with work and could really do with offloading on my friends, or at least if they are not in the mood for listening to me talk about my work then be a bit more understanding!

Love the pictures of the sheep being dragged around btw....


Plus I'm just a bit self involved I suppose...


Sylvester- I checked out the paper. They've even got equations!

With regards to the post, i just think it boild down to a lack of understanding of what we do. 'Civilians' need to take time to understand and appreciate it.