Misunderstandings between PhDs and civilians No.564


The best misunderstanding is when you finish or are close to finishing your PhD and people constantly ask 'so what are you going to do next?' and then look totally confused when you explain you're going to be doing the job you've been training to do i.e research


Cryogenics, with regards strange papers, my favourite is The spermicidal potency of Coca-Cola and Pepsi-Cola, Hum Toxicol 6(5):395-6, where different types and brands of cola have had their effects on sperm motility measured.


Now that's just freaky


My mum keeps telling me I should work longer hours when I say something isn't working, not sure she understands what an overnight incubation is and how it means it wouldn't make any difference if I worked 24/7!


When I'm driving and some idiot thinks they can intimidate me by moving in to kiss my rear bumper (so to speak), I merely slow down gradually, back to about 5mph below the speed limit - much gratification if they are unable to overtake.

When people (dare to) imply that i 'have it easy' and am basically on one long holiday, I smile sweetly and really get my own back by AGREEING. They don't know what to do with that!! I tell them how sorry I feel for them in their stuffy offices, while I'm basically master of my own destiny, I tell them what a wonderful picnic I had in the park, how great it is to drink coffee and read things I'm really interested in... (I DON'T tell them about the late nights and occasional tears)