My final push diary



Thank you very much for your post. I'll take your advice and have a try. I hope it works. I have a tendency to poison formatting for some reason. I appreciate your offer of further help too and if I can't figure it out, I'll be back in touch. Thank a lot. :)


Late start today as i could not sleep at all last night then slept in the morning. I have, however, finished the chapter I was working on and have one more to tinker with. Hopefully, that means Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to re-write the intro and conclusion, leaving the weekend for everything else!


I think I have hit the wall! Today I have not been motivated, I wrote a couple of pages of a new introduction to my last chapter but then went for a nap and have done nothing else all day. It's very warm here which is not conducive to study. I've asked my boyfriend if he wants to go out for a pizza as I think if I get away from the Phd for a bit I might feel refreshed and ready to continue. I've still got 5 days to go, and I've had great feedback from my supervisor today - she thinks it's all coming together nicely and the chapter she read is clear, well though out and argued.
I need to give that final final push - it will all be over in five days.


Keep going Pam, nearly there and just imagine that feeling in 5 days time!
I'm having a slump today too, just can't get going...


Hello all,

Pam, I agree with Ribenagirl.. You'll get going, don't worry and in 5 days time. It'll be done. A dip is natural. Submission for me in 2 weeks. I had an overwhelming urge to leave my flat yesterday, to not be in front of computer, even though I've got quite a bit still to do. I also had comments back from supervisor who was pleased with recent chapters. Maybe the pressure off a bit with this type of validation and this slows things down a bit. Breaks are necessary though and as the weather was sunny here (for a change), a bit of Vitamin D can't but help.

I'm having an odd, cocooned feeling at the mo. I feel a combination of tiredness, feeling wired, not sleeping great, procrastination and stress. It's a very odd feeling. I'll be glad when I can shed my PhD skin in a fortnight, blink, and step back into the world again and start saying 'yes' to things. Roll on. Nearly there everybody....Good luck (up) ;-)


Keep going! Not long now and it'll be in and you'll be done :-) *cheers on from the other side*8-) You really need to get here, its lovely and so worth pushing through those last few hours. Its weird really, I'm only 4 days post submission now, but it feels like it never happened. I've been doing very little other than cleaning, scrubbing, planning stuff, and sitting in the garden with a glass of wine each evening lol. I know what that last minute slump feels like and I hope you're over it now, its just a case of gritting your teeth, putting your head down and kicking for the end, then you can join me here in 'sit with feet up' land (or take down and wash curtains if you're like me!) I still can't actually sit and do nothing much, I'm having to stay busy but its so nice doing something different. Just don't forget to factor in printing and binding time - my printing took over a day!


Thanks for the support guys. OK, I'm submitting on Tuesday, so Monday will be taken up with printing. Sunday can be tying uo loose ends, which leaves and tomorrow to finish everything else. I will do it. Better get off the internet now then!


Good luck Pam. So close. Just think, this is the last weekend of the slog. Deep breath. You can do it and then on Tueday. FREEDOM!!!! :-)


Hope everyone's okay. Today has been rough.

10 am - 2am day with just 2500 words written and some changes made to a few chapters. URGHHHHHHHHHH. :( :( Think I need to use my time better!


I think it may have to be no sleep now till Tuesday! I've still got so much to do. I've been working since 7 so far. Everything is taking much longer than planned.


Submitting tomorrow! Too much still to do and have no idea how I will manage it. I didn't sleep well as had a headache and still have it. I'm now working backwards from 5pm as the latest to hand in, 3 hours for binding (will phone the library to double double check that there are no problems with doing this as they promise), so I will still have tomorrow morning to tie up loose ends. Can people give me some indication of how long it took to print their thesis? Thanks.



Are you printing it yourself and binding at uni? or printing and binding there? how many pages including appendices?


Printing myself and getting it bound at Uni. Page wise - probably about 300ish.


Having printed a home myself, I don't recommend it unless you have a laser printer that you can load 300 pages and leave it there whilst you get on with your life.

From my experience, using an inkjet printer that loads up to 50 sheets, I'd probably say about 2-3 hours for 300 pages? I'd probably stick around as well just in case.


Panic mode for real now. Still ploughing away at this damned thesis when all I want to do is be rid of it. It will be an all nighter definitely. I hope I can get there. There isn't anything I can leave out without it being noticed and my conclusion will be crap.