No manners or Humanity yet doing a PhD


Well said, H.


I agree with gingerly- there's no need to be rude or unhelpfull or make fun of people just because you think they're offensive. Just ignore those posts. What I don't quite understand is why you feel so offended- these posts are not directed at you personally.


Anon german, I think you have fallen into the trap of the point we're trying to make ! The information is posted over and over endlessly on here but instead of reading it and taking note, they start another pointless thread that is usually quite vague. Same as you don't seem to have read we've already said why we're annoyed !


Ignore anon german, they always seem to dismiss our arguements without considering the point we are trying to make.


Tis okay, (s)he won't get any of my chocolate. I only give it to the nice people.


Hey, Anon German is nice and certainly deserves some choccie.


My chocolate is getting scarce ! I should stop offering it to all and sundry...


Yes, I agree, people should do their research and look for it themselves, but you don't need to insult them. If they don't have that initiative, then its their fault. However, what is with the hostility? Are you trying to make yourself feel bigger? All I am asking is to have more respect. And remember, you can always ignore and vent in other ways. Have you tried beer?


We are just preparing them for a life of academics who can be very blunt :) And what sort of beer were you thinking of ? I wouldn't half mind a pint of Old Speckled Hen if you're offering, Gingerly. Would you like some (nearly depleted) chocolate ?


DanB- You sound like some sort of CAMRA member when you talk about old speckled hen. You also need to eat something other than chocolate, you will be massive by the time to finish your PhD


As for the hostility, these people deserve it. They are obviously people that only want to do a PhD because of the title, otherwise they would have more initiative and know more about it.


i agree with you gingerly


I disagree with you Jen


I agree with you, Stu.


Thank you Jen! At least someone is on my side.
Ok ok, what can we agree on? Why must academics be so brutal and have no sense of compassion. They will most likely not get a PhD, and I am not expecting a prof to offer me one because I said I want one, but there is no sense of making fun of them. Have either of you traveled outside the UK? Perhaps experienced another culture? It would give you a different perspective. Thank you for the cocoa, I shall put it in my coffe, aka "elixir of life"