Please someone say something..anything to help me


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Totally agree Ian - but the University will not let me - seriously even if i was half dead they would make me do this. Having the dates I have battled with is the only option from the university. They literally don't care. So I am now going to make the best of a bad situation. I can do it Ian - and I will achieve it. I have managed to find a hotel that will take Bea and I at a good rate for a month - hopefully the State will let us go home then. How bad can this viva be? I passed a three day intensive Navy - officer board (which was three days!). I have also attended tons of research fellowship boards to get the job. I know my weaknesses and I know how I need to prepare - I will write when Bea is sleeping and I will study hard. Thank you for your advice - you are of course right - but the university will not allow it. To be honest in the scope of life its not that important. I want and need to pass - but making sure Bea and safe is most important. Ian you are a tower of strength.


Hi Heidi,
You haven't posted this month so just wondering how you and Bea are ? Thinking about you, K

Avatar for Mackem_Beefy

Shouldn't she have had her viva by given the times she gave? I admit I've slightly lost track of timings.

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)

Avatar for Pootle

It's on 18th July I think, Ian.


I think it's on 18th as well. If you're reading these without time to post anything, Heidi, then all the best for Wednesday!


Good luck with your viva Heidi! Hope things are going well for you and Bea in Bath, you are a surviver so keep smiling :-)


111 days ago I started a little thread because I had a PhD deadline and was going through a tough time....however, I am now pleased to say this is where the story ends....because I PASSED MY VIVA TODAY!!!!!!!

Only a few typing corrections. I gave my external 'the most robust PhD defense' he had ever heard! Must be that fighting spirit that you have all given me.

So thank you, to all of you who supported me.

This is the start of another adventure for Bea and Heidi - who knows what will happen next - but hopefully it will be good.


I've just read all your posts about my viva and wishing me luck today!!! Thank you - must have been floating along in the air to me because last night all I knew was every thing that I did not know - and then today - I have no idea what got into me, but I found myself presenting really strong, objective, methodical arguments. Publications really helped too. I can honestly say the viva was a pleasant experience and I will look back on it fondly!

Where does this leave Bea and I - well on the 24th the paperwork will be signed in court to allow us to come home to Bath. There we shall remain. I intend to try and fix the world - and for Bea....well I hope she will just be happy.

This little family on here has been at times my only support. Thus, I just wished to say thank you. Sleep well, love H and B


Hi Heidi,

I am absolutely delighted to hear your great news! You truly deserve it, particularly after fighting through all your difficult circumstances, prioritising your daughter and maintaining a great attitude.
Very well done. All the best for you and Bea as you enter the next stage. :-)(up)


Congratulations Dr Heidi!! I always had faith that you could get through this, well done. Hope you and Bea are having time to do some celebrating together while you both prepare to move on. Wishing you both well for your new future together (up)


Many congratulations Dr. Heidi, I'm delighted for you. Enjoy the well deserved celebrations with Bea - a present each!(gift)(gift)


Huge congratulations Dr Heidi! :-) Fabulous news. I look forward to reading about you saving the world with Bea on your back - be happy ladies (up)

Avatar for Mackem_Beefy

That is absolutely fantastic news. Time for you and Bea to start the rest of your life girl!!!

Congratulations!!! (up)

Ian (Mackem_Beefy)


Wow, what a great way to start my day, reading that you passed the viva after battling your way through all the muck and mire! It is a bit of an inspiration to keep going. Congratulations Dr. Heidi and enjoy Bath!


Thank you all! Your support, pearls of wisdom, and general loveliness has been AWESOME. Little Bea and I are now going to start our life together - who knows where we will end up - but it starts in Bath. I am so lucky that I wrote on this site a few months ago - if you like I feel like the support I had was a bit like a cycling tour - you pulled me up the peaks! Thank you. Bea and I will be keeping in touch - thank you. With love from us.