Pregnancy vs PhD - advance preparation!


On the father's side... mu husband has to hand in his MPhil thesis 4 weeks after my due date and there is no hope of delaying the deadline, or paternity leave or anything. He's going to be editing his thesis in the delivery suit at this rate!
Bump will be much loved, but it's accidental conception has rather thrown a spanner in our plans.


Congratulation beta on bump number 2 I am sure that you and your hubby will be able to get past the temporary disruption to your plans. As for your husband editing his thesis in his delivery suit....LMHO.


I am now really on the side as they told me I won't get anything as I am neither unemployed nor employed and we do not get hardship found as my husbands works full-time. We do get tax-credits but it is basically nothing as my current student ship is taken into account so we have a reasonable income but they do not get the point that I will not get it when I am on maternity leave. Basically we now need to move quickly as there is no way we can afford the house but as we have a Assured Shorthold contract we cannot hand in our notice and having my due date on the day of the end of the contract as well as not being able at all to afford it (and we would like to save some money now) does not count as a "reasonable cause". What do these people think?


My husband is moving while I am using the bed in place A, deliver in the van on the way and the midwife joins us for drinks at place B??? And no, our landlady is not reasonable with it and even if there was not the money issue she would not extend our contract because I am not doing the weeding every week. But there is no way we can pay rent at two places - and our families live 1) over the channel 2) in a tiny place at the complete other end of the country.
Sorry, for having a long complain but at the moment I don't know what to do.


So let me get this straight - you basically go back to student loan level income on maternity leave with the added expense of a baby just making survival impossible. Argh - and they wonder why not enough 'successful' women are having babies!


Oh my god oz your landlady sounds like a b*tch! I'm so sorry to hear about your situation. Why are some people so unreasonable? You'd think that if a baby/pregnant woman is involved people would empathize and bend over backwards to help.


oh dear oz, that sounds awful. you must be totally stressed out! i hope you find a solution soon.

would this maybe be a case for some legal counsel? your students' union might provide good and free or cheap services. just a thought.

take care, and keep us informed on what happens, ok?


So sorry Oz - that is just rotten. Could you find someone to take on the tenancy for the last part of the fixed term? Maybe if you offered to find someone suitable the landlady from hell would be happy to let you go early? It's just PANTS PANTS PANTS!!! This country is crap if you want a family!! Good luck and let us know how it goes as Shani said.


oz, do you pay tax on your studentship? I just rang the tax credit line to check, and they told me that I *mustn't* declare my studenship on the tax credit form "income" section because it is tax free. Does that help??


Thank you for all your sympathy! I feel really bad about it but I went to my landlady yesterday and started sobbing (and looking really pregnant). Of course I did not have a tissue and it worked at least a little bit as she now agreed that we can find somebody to take over our contract something she strictly refused before! I am so grateful! It is not much as we now have to find somebody but I hope with all the undergraduates etc coming we have a chance. At least there is some light on the horizon. Apart from this we are still down on one income during maternity pay so if anybody knows the numbers for next weeks lottery, much appreciated Anyway I feel much more optimistic as we can at least do something to change the housing situation but deep insight I feel bad for my choise of wappons it's so not me


Oz I'm so happy for you. You'll have no probs finding new tenants. There are websites where you can publish the details of your house. Also, the students union at my uni has a book where you can register the details of your house. ERASMUS and exchange students often check this out to find somewhere to live. Some of my friends who graduated this year are only looking for a house now, as they have only just got jobs/PhDs. I'm sure its the same case in your city. Good luck.


hey oz, did you really choose this "weapon" or did it kind of come upon you?
or maybe, if it's "so not you", maybe it wasn't, but rather the bump decided to take the reigns for a moment...?


Good news, Oz. I know my sister's son has just been here from Brussels sorting his accom. out for September, so I am sure lots of students are doing it before the hols.
Hormones...definitely hormones, totally not even you, so don't go there


Thanks, I think it must be really the bump related hormons so it is basically not my fault
Cheers for the tip with the student union I try to do this immediatelly as we have opening days. I think the house needs to be polished for some time!


O how i love to hear good news