Overview of Hypothesis

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Doing a PhD at a 'non red-brick' university

Hmm...in the realms of Undergrad studies then I would agree with the previous post. I went to a state school for my A-levels (back when A-levels were A-levels ) but never encountered any HE academic snobbery until I met people at the Russell league uni I went to. From the attitudes I experienced my education was sorely lacking in polish and refinement; I was unable to drop £100 at the local casino therefore poor and clearly unsuitable to walk its hallowed academic halls and I must therfore be deficient in the brain stakes. However, they made up a (still fairly large) minority of people...

Doing a PhD at a 'non red-brick' university

My university isn't red brick - its made of regional limestone, so its off white with occassional bomb damage (thank you the Luftwaffe)

Do you think getting married is a wrong decision?

@ catchianthe: tell you what, I'll be your "virtual husband" for the week; feel free to wheel me into any conversation you like!

Money after the funding runs out...

@ Verdy: My immense lottery win - you might want to sit down for this... I found 5p in the staff canteen

Money after the funding runs out...

Easily. I won it last Tuesday.

WANT TO BUY A PHD. ( Have done lots of research and need it evaluated)

I've a couple of quid left over from my lunch money, can I buy a thesis with that. Complete with a cream egg?
(Sorry african, just teasing!)

WANT TO BUY A PHD. ( Have done lots of research and need it evaluated)

I've a couple of quid left over from my lunch money, can I buy a thesis with that. Complete with a cream egg?
(Sorry african, just teasing!)

Further dispatches from the post doc front


Hey guys I'm new!

Headology? Are you by any chance a Prachett fan?

Help please! Probs with PhD sponsor - what are criteria for MPhil?

I take it you're talking about the NHS in context of a clinical trial? If so, their finance departments rarely pay any invoice until final demands are issued or services are terminated. You need to lean on the right people and it is UNIMAGINABLY frustrating.

Supervisor dating student

Anyone got any nice lady supervisors I can date?

Jobseekers Allowance - Anyone else claiming whilst writing up?

I loathed the JSA - I spent 6 months trying to find a job in science (all they were convinced I wanted was "public toilet maintenance person" or cleaner, which is all they ever offered - no joke), spent six months feeling humiliated and useless because I couldn't get one and angry as a swarm of bees whose hive has been run over by an 18-wheeler because the dosspots in there also happily discussed using their benefits to fund overseas holidays while I couldn't pay all my bills.
Here endeth todays rant, thank you all, you've been a wonderful audience. Tune in tomorrow when I'll be ranting about women (not ladies) who have yet to learn to say "Thank you" when you hold open a door for them; thank you and goodnight

How solid was your educational background for your PhD work?

I stand corrected re Einstein . As you might have guessed, Einstein I ain't

does having a PhD qualify you to be a scientist?

A scientist is merely someone who has an interest in and as a consequence aims to learn about a particular science subject. Einstein was a postal clerk (no formal training), for example. I reckon anyone with a passion or interest in science deserves to be a scientist.

One for Olivia!!

Olivia - one for you - something to get millitant about!

A false cause - feeeeeeeed me!!!!!