Overview of jaechoi84

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Beginning to search.

oh my. guess I should have read closer! Thank you. Mark me embarrassed. =)

Beginning to search.

I'm quite sure my story is not an unfamiliar one. I've always been uninterested in school. I got by but nothing really motivated me. I graduated with a BA in Sociology and got a job as a mental health technician at a local mental hospital. At the job, I developed my first real love of something. Of course the story goes, I found great interest and passion in the area of researching innovative ideas on diagnosis and treatment. I have a few questions however...

1. I only have a BA and though I feel I've finally found something I could put my whole being into, I fear my past, particularly my gpa, will come back to make it impossible. Is this something feasible for me?

2. I am moving to New Jersey to be with my girlfriend and I know narrowing possible schools to one location is never good. How badly does this affect my chances of being accepted into a strong clinical psychology program?

3. I'm a bit overwhelmed at the prospects of going into a phD program. What are the necessary steps to applying for a phD? Importance?

Thank you very much for the community and help.
I'm sure I will be around a lot.