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How to write a chapter?

Yes Hairui I do that; I have made a deadline to hand in my first draft to my Sup, this tends to get my skates on. That or stress/guilty conscience. I just wondered if most peeps did theirs in a month rather than my 3 month average... Am not in the 'writing up' stage yet - just writing before I go to fieldwork...

thanks for your help!

Phd Fashion for Fall?!

Hehe! and burn my face off while cackling in the background... Eek am scared! Just take the dress! take it away!

Phd Fashion for Fall?!

I tried a dress on that last month was just gorgeous but flowed out too much from the empire line and made me look sooooo pregnant - and it was a size 10... There is no hope!

Phd Fashion for Fall?!

although I don't give reason to be taken seriously much anyway...

Phd Fashion for Fall?!

it's true. Either that or it's all electro neon, which I have to confess I am an enormous fan of. I think though that if I turned up to the PhD research room or a meeting with my sup with clashing luminous neon clothes on, accessorised to the max and with neon plastic shades I may not be taken that seriously...

Being grown-up sucks.


Is 'feisty' a compliment?

it's generally good though i reckon!!

Is 'feisty' a compliment?

an odd thing to say... I would feel like my sup meant I had put forward a spirited argument but not a knock-out one yet. Not as good as 'bold' or 'strong'. Fiesty to me would mean I was getting there though...

This is probably me being pedantic - I read a million things into my comments and am pretty harsh on myself so for me feisty would indicate a bit lacking... Also, as a woman, I find 'feisty' an obnoxious term when ascribed to another woman or their activities!!!

How to write a chapter?

Thanks for your encouraging post Lara! I feel better now...

How to write a chapter?

the four months was including all the background reading, focused reading, analysis and writing... Am social science so is all discourse analysis, reading reports and applying political theory as well as writing... maybe not so bad then? Same for this chapter. I sort of analyse and write at the same time...

How to write a chapter?

Hey Lara

Thanks for your help! I do have deadlines, lots of them but I also have an 'inner child' that will make me spend time on it until I get right to the wire and have to move on! This is my first piece of work with my won deadline - no MRes deadlines or monitoring meetings/first year transfer... I am learning but am also wondering how long is average so I know what to expect of myself...

confusing stuff this PhD!!

thanks again

re: below thread: I meant how *long* to write a chapter

I think there is a thread like this somewhere in the archives but I can't find it...

Anyway. I thought I would get chapter one done in 6 weeks... It took me about 4 months. Then this chapter, number two, I thought I would get done in 6 weeks (it was half written already from an earlier 'mistake') and I am two months in and still so much to do.

How long does it take you guys to write your chapters?

How and when do you reward yourself for getting work done?

I'm with you catalinbond!

How to write a chapter?

Grrr the title was meant to be 'how *long* to write a chapter'. how annoying I can't change it!

How to write a chapter?

I think there is a thread like this somewhere in the archives but I can't find it...

Anyway. I thought I would get chapter one done in 6 weeks... It took me about 4 months. Then this chapter, number two, I thought I would get done in 6 weeks (it was half written already from an earlier 'mistake') and I am two months in and still so much to do.

How long does it take you guys to write your chapters? Am I horrendously slow? I know I am too pendantic for a first draft but almost need to be so I am in 'the zone' with it.

Advice on speeding up anyone?! It is possible - or even recommended -to 'speed up'?

Any advice gratefully received...

Article: 'The Planning Fallacy'

Yeah, exactly, I am the same too. And if you re a bit of a perfectionist it can actually be very demotivating. Hmm, maybe spend time working and less 'planning'?!