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It's that time of year!

We have a marking grid which has marks for various aspects (understanding, analysis, structure, written style, presentation (incl use of tables images etc) and referencing) and we try to write comments for each aspect.  I used to mark them in the order they were given to me (but divining them into different questions if they had a choice) but then a colleague told me (recently) that she puts them in order and marks the ones she thinks will be least good first as they take longer). We are encouraged to sue the full range of marks (I've jsut given my highest ever mark - 90% and I cna honestly say I am not sure I could have done as well) I find that to do the job properly (and our externals every year commend us on the quality of feedback we give to students) takes significantly more than the time allowed on our workload model.

You shouldn't really compare them (except to make sure that similar essay shave similar marks) - each essay should be criterion marked so if they meet the criteria / learning outcomes / whatever then they get the marks.  If everyone does a brilliant essay (like that is going to happen) they all get a brilliant mark.

I can send you our marking grid if that helps but maybe you have one or something similar in your department.

Question about thesis submission

The obvious thing for you to do is go and look at the specific university regulations to see if there is a set amount of time between submitting thesis and viva - we are all at differeent universities (and in some cases under different regulations depending on when you started) - I know my university has absolute deadlines for submission and confirment (which includes viva and any resubmission).

My first conference paper next week.. any prep tips?

======= Date Modified 08 May 2010 23:18:19 =======
Glad it went well :-)

I echo what algae queen says about Rescue remedy but have another tip relating to it - you can now get it in pastilles - in original (ie fairly yuk) flavour or blackcurrant. I keep a tin in my desk so if I have a stressy meeting coming up I take a couple.:-)

Job applications

I'm part-time PhD so in a slightly different situation but need to move to a uni nearer my home (in part for health reasons but also 2.5 hrs a day minumum driving reduces amount of time I can work on PhD). 5 applications, 5 interviews, 1 outright rejection, others were all close seconds (2 they wanted more specific industry experience and someone who could bring in contacts for undergrad work placement; the others very close second but the limited publication record was what did it). The way most universities are going (certainly in social sciences, business etc) publications matter and even though I have no obligation to publish during PhD I would be mad not to - at moment I am focussing on trying to publish stuff out of early PhD stuff.

Lost..Confused and Alone!

Hi There
Spring is a crummy time of year to start since you ahve identified that everyon is tied up with the end of the academic year. But it really isn't that long to the start fo the new academic year when there will be new students starting adn maybe some social events organised and you'll have the advantage over them as you will know the lay of the land. Are there any post grad societies where you are studying or are ther einduction events for new post grads.

I started parttime in December at the uni where I did my MSc (5 years ago) which is across the road from my secondary school but as a part-timer who is rarely in the department (socail science and fieldwork so I just have no need to be there except for meetings) I feel a bit lost - hasn't helped that I should have been invited on an induction event but central admin (the same clowns who lost my application for 6 weeks) never invited me and now the next one is in September.

Hang in there - do you have any hobbies you could join a group for or do the department hold any events? If there are new Post grads coming in September maybe you could organise something - I'm sure they would appreciate it.

How far away is "home" - is it possible for soemone (boyfriend) to come and visit you? Probably not a good idea for you to go back so soon.

As other people have said - use the forum - it's really good to knwo that there are peopel out there in cyber space who can help - whether it's practical help or just someone to listen to your moans or make you laugh, just knowing there are people who even though we don't (and may never) know each other still care about each other make things seem not so bad.

I pulled an all nighter, and now I feel terrible

I had to tick "never" as it is less than once a week - but at peak times (eg just before submissions or when papers are due) it can be more than one a week. 

How you deal with it depends on how long it is going on for and why. I have a really inflexible sleep pattern so no matter how late I go to bed I still wake at 6ish adn I suffer really badly from jetlag (not jsut waking at funny hours but a feeling of being totally spaced out). When I my MSc dissertation was due in I survived for three nights on two hours per nigh sleep but after it was handed in I was totally wrecked. I coped because I had to and the adrenaline kept me going (plus my husband was very good at feeding and watering me).  It did take a fair while to recover though. For the occasional all nighter when I can't just go to bed the next day I tend to have a bath or shower, take a break with the news papers or something for half an hour or so and then carry on.  If I have done an all nighter and then had to go into work I tend to over compensate on the dress front so extra smart (suit, heels, makeup) so I don't look so rubbish. If I can take the next day to recover then I slob out in front of the tv watching mindless rubbish and sleeping.

Should I contact her?

They will have to advertise it to comply with legislation but if she lieks you I would asy you have a better chance - many studentships (and jobs) which are advertised (and interviewed) for already have someone's name on them. Sounds like this one might have your name on it - suggest you drop a casual line in a month or so time asking how the plans are going (you could even hang it on the back of new governement, HE cuts etc)

Who's staying up to watch the election results?

Went to bed at 10.15 after the exit poll. Got up at 5.15 to watch a few hours - def the right decision as I had a 10 am meeting and am teaching first years 4-6.

Am sitting in my office with a pile of marking listening to (and half watching) BBC news on internet - can't motivate myself to do teh marking :-(

How much must one know before beginning a PhD?

Can't comment on the specifics of environmental stuff as I am a social scientist but just to reassure you I've just started my PhD at 44 so you definately aren't over the hill (and if you are doing it full time you'll be finished before me!) I did my MA part time while working full time (with no study leave as it was totally unrelated), my MSc full time but with two very young (one a toddler) children. Am doing PhD part-time (part funded by employer) so had to come up with research proposal which took 8 months (but only working occassionally) to get from initial ideal to approval from research commiittee - initial feedback from supervisors was insufficient engagement with the literature so I would echo what has been already said about that.

Good Luck

It's my birthday and it's raining!

Sounds like (apart from the rain) a perfect day :-)
Glad you enjoyed it

does anyone else get eye twitches?

Oooh I get these too - my mum (when I was a teenager so I'm not sure how reliable this is) always said it was because I was tired - not sure if it was just an excuse to get me to go to bed earlier. But seriously I still get it but usually when I am long term tired.

Has anybody tried this (financial)

Thanks for the comments- I don't really need tax advice as my husband was a Chartered Accountnat (and I was a Chartered Management Acocuntant so we have some knowledge of taxation) - I was really asking if anyone had tried it. I'm going to add it to my tax return - I have a letter from my employer saying I have to do a PhD therefore it meets the "wholly necessarily and exclusively" test (which I'm not sure a PC does - might try though) so I can give them the details if they want them. It's not worth that much as it's only tax relief but beter than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick (as we say oop north):p

Has anybody tried this (financial)

I'm incurring quite a lot of costs associated with my PhD - books, travel, car parking, malaria tablets & prescription etc - which my employer is not paying.
I used to be a Management Accountant and my husband is a semi-retired Chartered Accountant. We have had a discussion and have come to the conclusion that these extra costs should be offsetable against my tax return on the grounds that they are associated with my PhD which my employer requires me to have (but which they are only partially funding). I'm going to put them in my tax return when I do it (and because there's quite a lot there - around £550 last year which equates to about £120 tax rebate - I'll do it sooner rather than later). They have to be wholly and necessarily incurred (so a pc is probably out but the malaria tablets I had to take because I was going to a conference associated with my PhD is in, driving to the Peak District to undertake research is in, flights to the US for research trip / holiday is out).

Not sure if anyone has tried this (and I think it would only apply to those of us who are required by our employers to take a PhD) but I'll keep you posted.

Incidentally I hope you all know that subscriptions to professional bodies (in my case the RGS) are allowable against tax - not a huge amount refunded but better in my pocket than Alistair Darling's (or whoever is in No11 on Friday)

For those of you who did/are doing a Masters

MA collected data (on fieldwork in US) June, faffed about all summer (getting more and more pregnant) (and in my defence I was working full time negotiationg with Oftel), started writing up begining September when maternity leave started, submitted 30 Sept, gave birth 20 Oct - not to be recommended as it was a bit rushed BUT it is possible.

MSc Proposal submitted after Easter, lit review May/June, data collection (questionnaires) June/July, Analysis (SPSS so lots of tears) Aug/Sept, Writing up results Sept, submitted end Spetember.

Depending on whether you are full time and whether you are working as well you could do it all in a month if you had to but it probably isn't to be recommended (and you probably would have to pay someone to transcribe for you). You still have time (depending on submission date) but the sooner you start the better. It sounds like you have the right amount of panic - enough to make you do something but not so much that it is unproductive.

Good Luck

Another Etiquette Question!

Quote From monkey:

why should she spent 5-6 hours doing this "for free" for you?

Because she loves her subject and wants to encourage new researchers?  Not everyone is going to steal your work - have some faith in human nature.

I've just come back from a conference and have had the most amazing support and encouragement from the two top people in the (albeit very small) field. They have been very generous with their time and discussions with them (actual and ongoing by e-mail - they are in Australia) will improve my PhD (which is still at very early stages).  In fact one of them said to me on the last day (three days after I had presented) "I'm still worrying about your PhD" to which I replied "Should I be worried that you are worried" to which he said "no, I'm just still trying to think how you can take forward your model and improve it". I've also had e-mail form them checking I got home Ok (I got caught by the beginnings of the volcano travel disruption but caught a train to get to Heathrow and make by 4 onward flights)

If you are worried about sending the paper straight to her why not ask her if you can send it?  And not everyone expects co-author for a few (which lets face it 5 or 6 hours is only a few) hours work. I offered a colleague co-author and she said she would not dream of taking it even though she helped with focus groups as she had done so little.

Important people in the field don't need to jump on every paper going - they already have their reputation and many love their subject enought to jsut want to encourage people.

Send an e-mail asking if she woudl be happy to take a look.